What Is a Dirty Vegan? Bring on the Vegan Junk Food (2024)

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By Andrew Krosofsky

Mar. 12 2021, Published 1:15 p.m. ET

What Is a Dirty Vegan? Bring on the Vegan Junk Food (1)

More people than ever are switching to a vegan lifestyle these days. And whether this increase is caused by increased environmental awareness or because there are so many more options for those on a plant-based diet, it’s clear that veganism is on the rise. With that newfound popularity, comes the rise of differentiators within the vegan community. We’re speaking, of course, of the aptly-named “dirty vegan.” But what is a dirty vegan, and how, exactly, is one different from a regular vegan?

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What Is a Dirty Vegan? Bring on the Vegan Junk Food (2)

Veganism is on the rise.

According to Plant Based News, veganism has increased by a factor of 360 percent in the past decade. It’s a sure sign that people are beginning to understand the impact that our diets have on animals, our ecosystem, and human health.

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What is a dirty vegan?

Dirty vegans are a subset of vegans who, in the midst of trying to stay vegan, wish to explore the same “colorful” meal options that they had as non-vegans.Other names for a dirty vegan might be a junk food vegan or someone who is "vegan for the animals," implying that they care much more about not hurting animals than they do about eating healthy.

In essence, dirty vegans are vegans looking for comfort food with a vegan twist: things like cauliflower fried chicken, dairy-free ice cream, and plant-based hamburgers. They are trying to make ribs out of seitan and buffalo wings out of eggplant or zucchini. Dirty vegans want dirty vegan comfort food and they don’t care that those menu items aren’t exactly the healthiest choices available.

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What Is a Dirty Vegan? Bring on the Vegan Junk Food (3)

What is dirty vegan food?

According to Bunzl Catering, many people are under the misconception that vegan food is as bland and boring as food can get, and for a long time, that was the case. Early vegans had “limited” options in terms of finding things like confections, comfort foods, and fast food options. Nowadays, fast food chains like Burger King, Dunkin' Donuts, and Chipotle all have plant-based options for their patrons.

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Bunzl Catering goes on to discuss another dirty vegan trend made from pulled jackfruit, which is quite similar to pork when roasted. All you need to do is pour some barbecue sauce on that jackfruit and you can make a pretty convincing “pulled pork” sandwich. Upton’s Natural, which specializes in plant-based meat of several varieties, sells pulled jackfruit in a host of different flavors. Upton’s is also the company to reach for if you want a vegan hot dog that tastes similar to the real thing.

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Is there such a thing as a dirty vegan diet?

According to Men’s Health, a dirty vegan diet is a plant-based diet that leans more on the processed side of the vegan food spectrum rather than the organic, natural side of things. Obviously, the dirty vegan diet presents some health concerns. Experts rarely recommend heavily processed foods because of the added salt and preservatives that are used in the manufacturing process. There’s also the question of the added fat that comes with many deep-fried or richly sugared dirty vegan options.

What Is a Dirty Vegan? Bring on the Vegan Junk Food (4)

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Is the dirty vegan diet for me?

You’ll need to ask yourself a few questions before considering the full switch to a dirty vegan diet. As with any diet, the less processed foods you eat, the better off you’ll be. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t go out and get yourself an Impossible Whopper now and again. In fact, if you’re struggling with your vegan diet, satiating that craving might be just what you need to push through and avoid backsliding into actual meat.

The important thing is to make sure that you don’t lose sight of the important pieces of a healthy diet. Getting all your vitamins, nutrients, proteins, and fiber is essential, and there are plenty of natural plant-based foods that can help you do that. If you get your nutrients from those sources, then by all means feel free to enjoy some vegan gelato, fried cauliflower, or the occasional Beyond sausage patty.

What Is a Dirty Vegan? Bring on the Vegan Junk Food (2024)


What Is a Dirty Vegan? Bring on the Vegan Junk Food? ›

In essence, dirty vegans are vegans looking for comfort food with a vegan twist: things like cauliflower fried chicken, dairy-free ice cream, and plant-based hamburgers. They are trying to make ribs out of seitan and buffalo wings out of eggplant or zucchini.

What is a dirty vegan? ›

Instead of eating whole, plant-based foods, the dirty vegan diet embraces highly processed vegan versions of traditional animal-based foods, such as burgers.

What do vegans eat for junk food? ›

Top Accidentally Vegan Foods
  • Cinnamon Life.
  • Duncan Hines Chewy Fudge Brownie Mix.
  • SkinnyPop White Cheddar Flavored Popped Popcorn.
  • Airheads.
  • Cracker Jack.
  • Doritos Spicy Sweet Chili–Flavored Tortilla Chips.
  • Fritos.
  • Fruit by the Foot.

Why vegan meat substitutes are the worst junk food? ›

However, we do know that consuming a high quantity of processed food – specifically what's known as 'ultra-processed' – is bad for health. Almost all meat substitute products are processed: this is needed to mimic the texture, flavour and appearance of conventional meat, or to achieve a similar protein contribution.

What vegan food is unhealthy? ›

Vegan junk food: Vegan ice cream, candy, cookies, chips and sauces generally contain just as much added sugar and fat as their non-vegan counterparts. Plus, they contain almost no vitamins, minerals and beneficial plant compounds.

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Beer and Wine

Isinglass, a gelatin-based substance derived from fish, is used as a clarifying agent in some beer and wine. Other non-vegan ingredients sometimes used are casein (from milk) and egg whites.

What are the three types of vegans? ›

There are three main types of vegans: ethical, health-focused, and environmental. They may follow a variety of vegan diets, ranging from “typical” vegan diets including both processed and unprocessed vegan foods, whole-food plant-based, raw vegan, fruitarian, or high-starch/low-fat.

What is the healthiest vegan meat? ›

Like its cousin tofu, tempeh has a rich nutrient profile. But it also boasts double the protein, bringing it to protein parity with beef, but slightly less than chicken. While tempeh is naturally gluten free, many store-bought versions contain additives that definitely aren't.

What are 5 potential drawbacks of following a vegan diet? ›

Potential Nutrient Deficiencies — A vegan diet may lack certain essential nutrients such as vitamin B12, iron, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein. It's crucial to carefully plan your diet to ensure you get all necessary nutrients.

Why is vegan cheese unhealthy? ›

But many vegan cheeses are made with coconut oil and other saturated fats that do affect cholesterol — and switching up one saturated fat for another isn't likely to result in a healthier lifestyle.

What fruit can vegans not eat? ›

You'll restrict grains and foods made with them, such as bread and pasta. You also limit starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn, as well as beans and legumes. And you'll cut high-sugar tropical fruits such as pineapple, mango, and bananas, as well as fruit juices and sweets.

Are Oreos vegan? ›

Many vegans refer to Oreos as “accidentally vegan,” meaning they don't contain animal products — but they weren't created to be a specifically vegan treat. Oreos do not contain milk, eggs, or any other animal-derived products, so they are technically vegan in that sense.

Can vegans eat peanut butter? ›

Most types of peanut butter are free of animal products and can be enjoyed as part of a vegan diet. However, some varieties are made in facilities that also process animal products or contain refined sugar that was produced using bone char or non-vegan ingredients like honey or fish oil.

What is a super vegan? ›

Super vegans are committed to a plant based diet and look for products certified by The Vegan Society, Cruelty Free International and other reputable organisations. There are multiple benefits of veganism but most people are attracted to the impact it has on farmed animals and fish.

What is a strict vegan called? ›

Level 4 vegans are incredibly committed to veganism, and follow a strict dietary regime. A level 4 vegan's diet is likely to contain more fruits, vegetables and nuts. Level 4 vegans will often only eat out at vegan restaurants, or if that is not an available option they will only choose a vegan option.

Is there such thing as semi vegan? ›

The semi-vegetarian Flexitarian Diet focuses on healthy plant proteins and other whole, minimally processed plant-based foods but encourages eating meat and animal products in moderation. Eating flexitarian may aid weight loss and reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

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