Top 6 Theories of Motivation (2024)


Some important theories of motivation have been discussed here:

1. Maslow’s Need Hierarchy:

Motivation is influenced by the needs of a person. There is a priority of certain needs over others. The importance of needs will influence the level of motivation. A.H. Maslow. an American social scientist, has given a framework that helps to explain the strength of certain needs. He has categorized human needs into five categories. He is of the opinion that a person tries to achieve first category first and then moves on to the next and so on.

Table 1 gives the hierarchy of needs. These needs are discussed as follows:

Table M. 1 Maslow’s Need Hierarchy

1. Physiological Needs:

These needs are most essential for the survival and maintenance of body. These include food, clothing, drinking, shelter, rest, exercise, etc. A man will try to satisfy these needs first. Unless physiological needs are satisfied no other needs will motivate him. Once these needs are satisfied then these will cease to motivate him and he will want to satisfy the other needs.

2. Safety Needs:

Once physiological needs are satisfied then safety needs take the precedence. These are the needs to be free from physical danger and the fear of loss of job, property, shelter, etc. One would like to be free from economic worries like loss of job, sickness, old age pension etc. The physical safety against murder, accident, fire, etc. is also essential. The physical and economic needs act as motivators up to the time they are not properly met.

According to McGregor, “Safety needs may serve as motivators in such circ*mstances as arbitrary management actions, behaviour which arouses uncertainty with respect to continued unemployment and unpredictable administration of policy. The organization can meet safety needs by installing safety devices at work and can start pension scheme, insurance plan etc.”

3. Social Needs:

Since people are human beings, they need to belong, to be accepted by others. When social needs become dominant, human being will strike to have meaningful association with others. In an organization workers may form informal groups for exchange of ideas. If management tries to have close supervision and control then workers may retort against such environment. The communication among workers should be encouraged to remove the irritants.

4. Esteem or Ego Needs:


The needs are concerned with self-respect, self-confidence, feeling of being unique, recognition, etc. The satisfaction of these needs brings confidence, power, control and prestige. Some of the social problems have their roots in the un-fulfilment of these needs.

5. Self Fulfilment or Actualization Needs:

Self-fulfillment is the highest need in Maslow’s hierarchy. This refers to the needs which help an individual to develop his potentialities. He tries to do whatever he can and has a sort of self- development. A person tries to do whatever he is capable of doing. He tries to bring out something hidden in him. The self-fulfilment needs give satisfaction to the person concerned and are good for the society also.

Maslow has categorized the needs in order of priority. An individual spends money from one need to another. When one need is satisfied then the other becomes the motivator. All the needs are interdependent. It is not necessary that only one need is satisfied at one time. A person may move to other needs even if earlier needs are not fully satisfied. When the peak of a need passes then it causes to be a motivator.

Critical Analysis of Maslow’s Theory:

A number of research studies have been undertaken to see the validity of hierarchy of needs. Lawler and Suttle collected data on 187 managers in two different organizations for a period of six months to one year. No evidence was found to support Maslow’s theory. They found there were two levels of needs biological and other needs and that other needs would emerge only when biological needs were reasonably satisfied. A survey conducted in India of 200 factory workers revealed that they give top priority to job security, earnings and personal benefits-all lower other needs.


It is generally seen that needs do not follow Maslow’s hierarchy. The hierarchy is determined by individuals differently. They proceed to follow their own pattern of needs satisfaction. Some people may try for self-actuating needs rather than lower needs. For some persons esteem needs are more important than social needs.

There is no cause and effect relation between need and behaviour. A particular need may cause behaviour in different ways in different persons. Similarly, one particular behaviour may result due to different needs. It is said that higher needs motivate a person when lower needs are reasonably satisfied. The word ‘reasonably satisfied’ is a subjective matter. The levels of satisfaction may be different for different persons.

2. Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory:

The priority of needs characterizes the type of behaviour. The satisfaction of some needs may not have positive effect on motivation but their non-satisfaction may act as a negative factor. A question arises as to what types of needs are important for improvising motivation. Frederick Herzberg and his associates conducted a study of need satisfaction of 200 engineers and accountants employed by firms in and around Pittsburgh.

The persons were asked to describe a few previous job experiences in which they felt exceptionally good or exceptionally bad about jobs. The influence of these experiences on job was also studied. Herzberg concluded that there were two sets of conditions. First type of conditions, described as maintenance or hygiene factors, do not motivate employees by their presence but their absence dissatisfies them. The other conditions, called motivational factors, operate to build strong motivation and high job satisfaction, but their absence hardly proves strongly dissatisfying.

Maintenance or Hygiene Factors:

These were called maintenance or hygiene factors since they were necessary to maintain current status i.e., reasonable level of satisfaction. These factors are more dissatisfied by their absence but their presence will not motivate. The addition of more and more of these factors will not help in motivating once they are satisfactory.

Herzberg named the hygiene factors: Company policy and administration, technical supervision, inter- personal relations with supervisor, inter-personal relations with peers, inter-personal relations with subordinates, salary, job security, personal life, work relations with subordinates, status. These factors relate to conditions under which the job is performed. They produce no growth in workers but restrict loss of growth. These factors are necessary to maintain reasonable level of satisfaction in employees.

Motivational Factors:

The presence of these factors build high motivation and job satisfaction. However, if these conditions are not present, they do not cause dissatisfaction. There are six factors: achievement, recognition, advancement, work itself, possibilities of personal growth, responsibility. Most of these factors relate to job contents. Their performance of an employee on the job and the satisfaction which he achieves from them from the contents of these factors. The increase in these factors will be essential for increasing motivation of employees.

Herzberg pointed out that managers have been very much concerned with hygiene factors only. They could not enlist the full co-operation of employees by increasing salaries etc. They did not realise the importance of motivating factors. The employees are motivated by the content of the job. The satisfaction which an employee will derive from the job will go to increase his output. The management should try to reduce dissatisfaction arising out of hygiene factor and building up the satisfaction from motivators.

3. Carrot and Stick Approach Theory:

This approach comes from an old story that the best way to make a donkey move is to put a carrot out in front of him or jab him with a stick from behind. The carrot is the reward for moving, the stick is the punishment for not moving. For motivating people to work more some kinds of rewards can be offered. Often this is money in the form of pay or bonuses. There can be non-monetary reward too. The punishment can also be used to push a desirable behaviour of employees. These can be in the form of reduction of bonus, demotion, fear of loss of job, loss of income etc.


Though there is no reference to carrot and stick in motivation theories but still these form basis of motivation. The control of interest environment in an organization requires a desired behaviour of various employees. Management uses rewards as well as punishments for enforcing a particular behaviour. The carrot, rewards, are recognized in various theories of motivation. The performance of employees is behind certain rewards. The employees would be motivated to improve their performance and they get financial and non-financial incentives in return.

The stick, punishment, also pushes employees raise their performance. In order to make the stick to work effectively, some factors may have to be kept in mind. It is important to decide the proper time using the stick. The negative motivation can also bring retaliation from employees. Punishment only temporarily suppresses the behaviour. It should also be taken into consideration that stick should not become a reward for undesirable behaviour.

Both carrot and stick should be used judiciously otherwise they will not help in achieving the desired results.

4. Mcgregor’s Theory X and Theory Y:

Douglas Mcgregor introduced these two theories i.e., Theory X and Theory Y, based on two distinct views of human beings. He proposed, at opposite extremes, two pairs of assumptions about human beings which he thought were implied by the actions of the managers. Theory X deals with one extreme, based on one set of assumptions and Theory Y, deals with another extreme based on another set of assumptions. These theories are not based on any research, but according to McGregor, these are intuitive deductions.

Theory X:


This theory is based on the traditional approach to human behaviour.

The assumptions generally, held by the managers in this theory are:

1. The average human beings inherently dislike work and will try to avoid it, whenever possible.


2. As the employees are lazy, they must be controlled, coerced, threatened with punishment to achieve goals, to which they are indifferent.

3. Average employees will try to avoid responsibility and seek formal directions whenever possible, because they have relatively little ambition.

4. Most workers place security above all other factors associated with work. These assumptions about human nature are negative in their approach. Managers who advocate these views feel that extreme control is most appropriate for dealing with irresponsible and immature employees. This is an autocratic style of leadership based on the traditional theory of what workers are like and what management must do to motivate them. Workers have to be persuaded and pushed into performance.

Theory Y:

This approach assumes that management by direction and control is a questionable method for motivating such people whose physiological and social needs have been satisfied and whose social; esteem and self actualization needs are becoming more important. For such people, Theory Y. seems to be applicable, which is the contrast of Theory X.

This theory makes the following assumptions about people:

1. The average human being does not inherently dislike work. He can view work as natural or enjoyable as rest or play.


2. Employees will exercise self direction and self control in the attainment of the objectives to which they are committed.

3. Given proper working conditions, average person can learn to accept and even to seek responsibility.

4. Commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievement.

5. All the people are capable of making innovative and creative decisions and the decision making is not the sole province of the people in management positions.

This theory has assumed a new approach in management. It emphasizes on co-operation between management and employees. The individual and organizational goals do not conflict in this approach. This theory places greater emphasis on satisfaction of high level needs of the employees. McGregor himself holds that the assumptions of theory Y are more valid than Theory X. Thus, delegation of authority, job enlargement, management by objectives and participative management techniques are great motivators for the employee.

Applicability of Theory X and Theory Y:

Theory X and the Theory Y represent two extremes. No person can belong to these two extreme situations. Each person possesses the traits of Theory X and Theory Y, though the degrees may be different under different situations. Though, no generalizations can be made, still it appears that theory X is more applicable to unskilled and uneducated lower class workers who work for the satisfaction of their physiological needs only.


Theory Y appears to be applicable to the educated, skilled and professional employees who understand their responsibilities and do not need any direction and control. However, there can be exceptions. A lower level employee may be more responsible and mature than a well qualified high level employee. Still these theories are very important tools in understanding the behaviour of human beings and in designing the motivational schemes. The management should use a combination of both the theories to motivate different employees.

5. Vroom’s Expectancy Theory:

Victor Vroom made an important contribution to the understanding of the concept of motivation and the decision processes that people use to determine how much effort they will expend on their jobs. Criticizing Herzberg’s two factors theory, he said that a person’s motivation towards an action at any time would be determined by an individual’s perception that a certain type of action would lead to a specific outcome and his personal preference for this outcome. This model is based on the belief that motivation is determined by the nature of the reward people expect to get as a result of their job performance. Because man is a rational human being he will try to maximize the perceived value of such rewards.

People will be highly motivated if they are made to believe that if they behave in a particular way, they will receive a certain type of outcome according to their personal preference. There are three variable’s in Vroom’s model given in the form of an equation. Since the model is a multiplier, all the three variables must have high positive value to imply motivated performance choices. If any of the variable is zero, the probability of motivated performance tends to be zero.

Motivation = Valence X Expectancy X Instrumentality

All these three variables are explained as follows:

1. Valence:

Valence means the attraction (or repulsion) of an outcome to the individual. Whenever an individual has preference for a reward valence is the strength of that preference. The valence is something subjective and varies from person to person. Valence is deemed to be positive for an individual if he prefers attaining the outcome to not attaining it. Valence is zero, if the individual is indifferent towards the outcome and the valence will be negative if the individual prefers not attaining the outcome to attaining it.


In simple words we can say that the worker must value the reward as desired and satisfactory. It is not the actual value of the reward, but the perceived value of the reward in the mind of the worker which is important. For example, a person who is more interested in getting recognition for the hard work, will not have any valence for cash reward.

2. Expectancy:

Expectancy is also referred to as the Effort- Performance Probability. It refers to the extent to which the person believes his efforts will lead to the first level outcome i.e., completion of the task. Expectancy is the probability that a particular action will lead to the outcome, it is the perception in the mind of the individual of the likelihood that a particular action or behaviour will lead to a certain outcome. Since it is an association between effort, and performance, its value can range between 0 and 1. If the individual feels that the probability of achieving an outcome is zero, he will not even try. On the other hand, if probability is higher, he will put more efforts to achieve the desired outcome.

3. Instrumentality (Performance-Reward Probability):

Instrumentality refers to the probabilities attached by the individual to each possible performance-outcome alternative just as the individual previously assigned probabilities to various levels of effort leading to different levels of performance (expectancy). In simple words, instrumentality refers to the belief and expectation of a person that his performance will lead to a particular desired reward. For example, if an individual wants a promotion and feels that superior performance is very important in receiving the promotion.

Superior performance is the first level outcome and the promotion is the second level outcome. Superior performance (First level outcome) will be instrumental in obtaining the desired promotion (Second level outcome). The value of instrumentality also varies between 0 to 1 as it is also the probability of achieving the desired outcome.

As the relationship suggests, (Motivation = V x E x I) motivational force will be highest when all the three factors are high and the force will be reduced when any one or more of valence, expectancy or instrumentality approaches zero. Vroom’s model can also be depicted graphically as given in the figure. The management must recognize and determine the situation as it exists and take steps to improve up on these factors for modification of behaviour, so that highest value can be achieved individually.


Management for example, can deal with the different situations in the following way:

Evaluation of the Expectancy Model:

Vroom’s theory has become very popular and it has provided an alternative to content theories, which according to him, were inadequate explanations of the complex process of work motivation.


The plus points of this theory are:

(i) The expectancy model is highly useful in understanding organisational behaviour. It can improve the relationship between the individual and the organisational goals. This model explains how individual’s goals influence his efforts and like need-based models reveal that individual behaviour is goal oriented.

(ii) The expectancy theory is a cognitive theory, which values human dignity. Individuals are considered rational human beings who can anticipate their future on the basis of their beliefs and expectations.

(iii) This theory helps the managers in looking beyond what Maslow and Herzberg implied. According to him motivation does not mean satisfying the unsatisfied needs. The managers must make it possible for an employee to see that effort can result in appropriate need satisfying rewards. This level of expectations will improve the motivation to work.

Despite these plus points, there are some drawbacks of Vroom’s expectancy model as given below:

(i) Vroom’s theory is difficult to research and apply in practice. This is evident by the fact that there have been a very few research studies designed specifically to test Vroom’s theory.

(ii) This theory assumes man to be a rational human being who makes all the decisions consciously. But there are numerous instances where decisions are taken with no conscious thought. This is particularly true for routine jobs.

(iii) Although, it is an important theory of motivation but it is quite complex. Many managers, in actual organisational situations, do not have the time or sources to use a complex system on the job. To conclude, we can say that from the theoretical point of view, this model is a step in the right direction, but from practical point of view, it does not help the manager in solving the complex motivational problem.

Related Articles:

  1. Vroom’s Expectancy Model of Motivation (With Diagram)
  2. Miscellaneous Theories on Motivation

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Top 6 Theories of Motivation (2024)
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