The Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle (2024)

Starting a healthy lifestyle can involve eating nutritious foods, engaging in regular physical activity, and prioritizing your mental health.

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When you’re not at your healthiest, you can probably tell. You may simply feel “off.” You may find that you feel tired, your digestive system isn’t functioning as well as it normally does, and you seem to catch colds. Mentally, you may find you can’t concentrate and feel anxious or depressed.

The good news: a healthy lifestyle can help you feel better. Even better, you don’t have to overhaul your entire life overnight. It’s pretty easy to make a couple of small changes that can steer you in the direction of improved well-being. And once you make one change, that success can motivate you to continue to make more positive shifts.

Ask 50 people to define what a “healthy lifestyle” is, and you’ll likely get 50 different answers. That’s because there’s no one way to be healthy. A healthy lifestyle simply means doing things that make you happy and feel good.

For one person, that may mean walking a mile five times a week, eating fast food once a week, and spending virtual or in-person time with loved ones every other day. For someone else, a healthy lifestyle may be training and running two marathons a year, following a keto diet, and never having a sip of alcohol.

Neither of these is better than the other. Both are perfect for that person. You get to decide what your healthy lifestyle looks like.

Making changes to improve your health can lead to benefits for your body, your mind, your wallet, and even the environment.

1. Prevents disease

Healthy habits can reduce the risk of various diseases, including those that may run in your family.

For example, in a recent study, adults who followed a standard American diet (rich in fruits and vegetables) for 8 weeks had a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

In another

2020 study

, researchers found that every 66-gram increase in daily fruit and vegetable intake was associated with a 25 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Swapping out some refined grains for whole grains also reduces the risk of disease. In an observational study of almost 200,000 adults, those who ate the most whole grains had a 29 percent lower rate of type 2 diabetes than those who ate the least.

And a review of 45 studies concluded that eating 90 grams (or three 30-gram servings) of whole grains daily reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease by 22 percent, coronary heart disease by 19 percent, and cancer by 15 percent.

In terms of exercise, as little as 11 minutes a day may add years to your life. In a 2020 study, researchers tracked more than 44,000 adults. Those who got 11 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity each day had a lower risk of death compared to those who only exercised at that intensity for 2 minutes. This comparison held true even if people sat for 8.5 hours every day.

2. Saves money

It’s always smart to see your primary care physician for an annual physical exam. This is especially true seeing how some health conditions, such as high blood pressure, are “silent.” This means they don’t have any symptoms, so unless you are checked, you usually don’t know you have the condition.

However, the healthier you are, the less likely you will have to see a doctor. This could save money by reducing co-pays, the need for prescriptions, and other treatments.

3. Lengthens lifespan

Basic healthy habits are connected with living a longer life. If, at age 50, you’ve never smoked, maintain a healthy weight, are regularly active, follow a healthy diet, and keep alcohol to a moderate consumption, you could live up to 14 years longer. Making even a few of these changes could lengthen your lifespan.

4. It can be good for the environment

Ultra-processed foods are those that contain refined grains and additives to change the texture, taste, or color. Some examples of these foods are cheese puffs, packaged dessert cakes, chicken nuggets, and sweetened breakfast cereals. More than 70 percent of foods in U.S. supermarkets are ultra-processed.

The making of ultra-processed foods contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, water scarcity, decreased biodiversity, plastic waste, and deforestation.

Then, there are animal products. According to a 2013 study by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (an agency within the U.N. that focuses on reducing hunger and food inequality worldwide), raising livestock for meat and dairy makes up 14.5 percent of human-created greenhouse gases.

However, there are easy fixes for this. For example, if every American cut their weekly beef consumption by 1/4 pound, the decrease in global warming gas emissions would be the equivalent of taking four to six million cars off the road, according to the National Resources Defense Council.

But it’s not only about what you eat more or less of. Replacing short car rides with biking can also cut back on the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.

In a non-peer reviewed 2010 study, researchers estimated that if 20 percent of citizens in Madison, Wisconsin biked for trips less than 5 miles, it would reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 57,000 tons each year.

And, a 2017 study in Stockholm found that, if drivers who lived within a half-hour bike ride to and from work commuted by bike rather than car, it could save 449 years of life annually in the county due to reduced vehicle emission.

These estimates aren’t simply dreams. Barcelona’s bike-share program reduces emissions of carbon dioxide by about 10,000 tons each year.

Your journey toward a healthier lifestyle starts with small changes that you feel confident you can achieve. Consider making “SMART” goals. SMART stands for:

  • specific
  • measurable
  • attainable
  • relevant
  • time-bound (met by a deadline and done in a certain amount of time)

When you focus on SMART goals, you could find more success. And one initial “win” will propel you to set new, bigger goals.

Consider the following tips for beginning to improve your overall health.

1. Eat more vegetables

A 2010 analysis of prospective studies suggests consuming more veggies and fruit is associated with lower risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, and premature death.

Although eating more vegetables is better, you don’t have to go from zero to nine servings a day. Perhaps your goal is eating one serving of vegetables at dinner. If you already do that, consider eating one vegetable or fruit at every meal.

Keep in mind that less-processed veggies are better. Rather than fries, try roasted potatoes seasoned with herbs or make a stir-fry of several colorful vegetables and drizzle them with a tasty vinaigrette.

2. Swap in whole grains

Replacing refined grains with whole grains will benefit your health. In a small 2017 study, 81 men and postmenopausal women were divided into two groups. Half followed a diet that contained whole grains, and the other half followed a diet that was calorically the same but contained refined grains. After 6 weeks, the whole grain group increased their resting metabolic rate (RMR). RMR is how many calories your body burns at rest.

Research from




link consuming more whole grains with reduced risk of diabetes, coronary heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

Start small by replacing one refined grain each day with a whole grain — maybe it’s your breakfast toast or the pilaf you make with dinner. Experiment with different grains and flavorings to see which ones you enjoy most.

Whole grains include:

  • plain oats
  • whole grain bread and pasta
  • brown and wild rice
  • buckwheat
  • bulgur wheat
  • millet
  • barley
  • spelt
  • quinoa
  • farro

Refined grains include:

  • white bread and pasta
  • white rice
  • most breakfast cereals
  • chips
  • pretzel
  • crackers

3. Be more active

If the words “exercise” or “workout” put you off, think of this step in terms of physical activity or simply moving your body.

You don’t have to run a marathon — or run at all — to be healthy.

You could walk, go for a bike ride, take salsa dancing lessons, practice martial arts, or try a workout class online. The most important thing is to choose an activity you enjoy. Choosing an activity you have an interest in will increase the chances that you’ll stick with it.

Secondly, remember that you don’t have to start with a long workout. Aim for 10 minutes a day, 5 days a week. When you feel ready, add another 5 or 10 minutes. Keep doing this until you reach at least 30 minutes a day most days of the week.

4. Maintain friendships

Strong relationships and staying in communication with friends and loved ones can support mental health.

For one, the risk of depression is greater in people with low-quality relationships. Those with the poorest quality social relationships have more than double the risk of depression compared to people with the highest quality connections.

Similarly, research suggests feeling isolated is associated with an increased risk of poor self-rated health and depression. It is also associated with various health problems, like headaches, palpitations, and lower back, neck, or shoulder pain.

Even if you cannot get together with friends or family in person, schedule a time to catch up over a phone or video call once a week. Or, simply start chatting with a neighbor when you see them.

5. Control stress

Chronic stress puts your body into fight-or-flight mode all the time. This taxes your immune system and makes you more susceptible to health problems, including:

  • heart disease
  • diabetes
  • digestive problems
  • depression
  • high blood pressure
  • anxiety
  • difficulty sleeping

Exercise can help reduce stress by releasing pent-up energy. Physical activity can also boost the release of mood-lifting hormones called endorphins.

For others, mindfulness practices — like meditation, deep breathing, journaling, or spending time in nature — can help to lower stress. Talking to friends can also help.

If you would like more support relieving stress, consider therapy. Working with a trained psychologist, psychiatrist, or therapist can help you work through challenges life throws your way, and it can help you learn new skills to manage stress.

There really aren’t any downsides to a healthy lifestyle since each person gets to define what “healthy” looks and feels like for themselves.

This means you don’t have to do anything that doesn’t make you happy. After all, as we already covered, unhappiness can affect your health.

For example, if you don’t like conventional exercise, think of ways you enjoy moving your body. And if you hate kale, you don’t have to eat it.

Living a healthy lifestyle does not mean you have to give up the things that may be considered “bad habits.” It’s perfectly possible to balance healthy living with eating cookies, taking a day off from your workout, or having wine with dinner.

In fact, enjoying a treat once in a while can help you better stick to healthy eating habits. An all-or-nothing mindset where you can only eat “good” foods and never eat “bad” ones often backfires. Having the flexibility to eat your mom’s extra-cheesy lasagna — and savor every bite — is part of being healthy.

Rest days are also important for physical and mental health. Doing too much exercise can increase the risk of injuries or cause you to burn out and give up exercise altogether.

Furthermore, moderate drinking (one standard-size drink per day for women and two for men) is linked with various health benefits. A “standard drink” is:

  • 12 fluid ounces of beer
  • 5 fl oz of wine
  • 8–9 fl oz of malt liquor
  • 1.5 fl oz of spirit

On the other hand, if you feel as though you can’t control a habit that might bring negative health effects (such as drinking alcohol, using recreational drugs in excess, or smoking), talk to your doctor. They can help you find support.

A healthy lifestyle can not only help you feel better, but it can also reduce the risk of some diseases, lengthen your lifespan, save you money, and benefit the environment.

Your version of a healthy lifestyle is whatever you define it to be. There’s nothing you must or must not do in order to be healthy. Identify what makes you feel good and what brings you the greatest happiness. Then, start small when you make changes. You’re more likely to see success this way, and small successes will snowball into bigger benefits.

Lastly, if you want help with making any lifestyle changes, talk to your doctor. If they can’t directly help you, they may recommend other professionals, like registered dietitians or therapists.

Brittany Risher is a writer, editor, and digital strategist specializing in health and lifestyle content. She’s written for publications including Elemental, Men’s Health, Women’s Health, and Yoga Journal.

The Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle (2024)


Why is it important to be healthy? ›

A healthy diet is essential for good health and nutrition. It protects you against many chronic noncommunicable diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Eating a variety of foods and consuming less salt, sugars and saturated and industrially-produced trans-fats, are essential for healthy diet.

How do healthy habits benefit us? ›

The benefits that habitats provide—known as ecosystem services—support our day-to-day lives. Healthy habitats help keep our drinking water clean, protect us from storms and flooding, and support industries like boating, fishing, and tourism.

How does healthy lifestyle affect us? ›

Benefits of healthy living

feeling better mentally – regular exercise can lift your mood and help you feel better. saving money – eating junk food, smoking, and drinking sugary drinks or alcohol are all expensive habits. fewer health problems – living a healthier lifestyle means a lower risk of developing many ...

How healthy is your lifestyle? ›

This means eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, avoiding tobacco and drugs and getting plenty of rest. Our bodies are like machines that require a balance of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals and water to stay in good working order. Get the balance wrong and your health will suffer.

Is it worth it to be healthy? ›

Healthy eating has many benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.

What is a healthy lifestyle summary? ›

Healthy living is a lifelong effect. Being healthy includes healthy eating, physical activities, weight management, and stress management. A healthy lifestyle includes a balanced diet. This does not mean cutting out important food groups from your diet or limiting yourself on the amount of calories per day.

What is the most important part of health? ›

So just what are the most important factors for establishing optimum health. Studies indicate that the following five factors make the biggest difference in overall health and wellness: 1) diet; 2) rest; 3) exercise; 4) posture; and 5) avoiding the use of alcohol, drugs and tobacco.

How do good health habits affect your life? ›

Adopting new, healthier habits may protect you from serious health problems like obesity and diabetes. New habits, like healthy eating and regular physical activity, may also help you manage your weight and have more energy. After a while, if you stick with these changes, they may become part of your daily routine.

What is the importance of healthy lifestyle behaviors? ›

HL behaviors, such as regular exercise, healthy eating habits, adequate sleep, and smoking cessation, can influence a number of traditional CVD risk factors as well as a less commonly measured risk factor, cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF).

How healthy habits help us keep? ›

Healthy habits help us keep fit and avoid disease.

Why is health so important? ›

Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses. Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your health are important for your self-esteem and self-image.

What does healthy feel like? ›

You have the energy to do the things you want to do.

"It's so non-specific, but having the energy to do the things you want to do is usually a very good sign of good health," she said. "And that energy can be physical energy and emotional energy."

What makes a person healthy? ›

Regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate rest all contribute to good health. People receive medical treatment to maintain the balance, when necessary. Physical well-being involves pursuing a healthful lifestyle to decrease the risk of disease.

Why is it important to have a healthy active lifestyle? ›

Physical activity can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases. Physical activity can have immediate and long term health benefits. Regular activity can improve your quality of life.

What is the importance of health and its benefits? ›

Health is a positive concept that emphasizes both social and personal resources as well as physical abilities." This means that health is a resource to help an individual perform their function in society, rather than an end in itself. A healthy lifestyle allows you to live a full life with meaning and purpose.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.