Start-Up Costs: Correct Reporting by Farmers for Income Tax Purposes (2024)

Guido van der Hoeven, Extension Specialist / Senior Lecturer Emeritus
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, North Carolina State University


Income tax rules apply to expenses that are incurred and paid before a business exists. These expenses are referred to as “start-up expenditures” or “start-up costs.” The IRS provides guidance relative to the deductibility of these start-up costs for any individual or entity beginning a new business, such as a farm. These rules apply regardless of the nature of the business, or the organizational structure ultimately used in operating the new business. A challenge for the beginning business owner is to identify the “start date” of the business. Expenses incurred prior to the start date are generally considered start-up expenses, to which the IRS rules apply as found in IRC § 195.

Starting Date of Business Activities

For some businesses, the start date is easy to determine. In the case of a corporation, the filing and recognition date by a state’s Secretary of State (or other such office) may be used to pinpoint an entity’s beginnings. For the sole proprietor, a farmer for example, there may also be such a date, which may be the day a request for a federal identification number in the name of the proprietor or business occurs. Frequently, though, start-up may begin over an extended period. Another specific date which may be considered is the date of the first tillage operation for a first crop, such as fall disking or fertilizer application. The business operator must therefore begin to account for costs that may become start-up expenses for that business prior to operation. Unfortunately, there is no bright-line test in the Internal Revenue Code or regulations for agricultural businesses. Courts have looked to facts and circ*mstances of a business to determine a start date; frequently, the fact pattern is such that when the business begins to “operate” and conduct activities for which it was organized, is when the business starts.

Start-Up Costs and Starting Date of Business Activities

The IRS general rule for start-up expenses states that start-up expenses must be amortized and cannot be deducted as an ordinary business expense unless the farmer, in this case, elects to expense up to $5,000 (for tax years beginning in 2011 and beyond) with this cap being reduced, dollar for dollar, for start-up expenses exceeding $50,000 for the year in which the business begins. Any excess cost remaining is to be ratably deducted (amortized) over 15 years (180 months).

What Are Start-Up Costs?

To answer this question, the beginning farmer needs to be honest with him- or herself about when the business began, and then account for costs incurred prior to that date. Examples of broad categories that may be treated as start-up costs that are paid in connection with beginning a business include:

  • Investigating the “creation, acquisition, or establishment of an active trade or business” such as a farm. However, once the individual farmer has decided to enter into the business of farming or made the decision about which type of farm, the expenses may be treated as ordinary and necessary to that business and may be deducted.
  • Creating a farm business (e.g., registration costs for a farm name, organizational costs for a business entity)
  • Any activity (costs incurred) engaged with a profit motive or for the production of income before the active trade of farming begins with the intent of active farming.

The IRS provides further guidance to help beginning farmers identify these costs by allowing that a start-up cost is an expense that, if the business were in full operation, would be allowed as an ordinary and necessary business expense and would be deductible during a business tax year, such as fall or spring tillage or burn-down herbicide application for no-till farming.

However, the IRS provides that some costs may be currently deducted under other rules and not subject to the start-up cost limitations. For example, costs such as organizational costs to create an entity (e.g., an LLC), business interest expenses, taxes paid to other jurisdictions (e.g., property tax), or research and experimental costs may be deducted under these other rules.

Making the Election to Expense or Amortize Start-Up Costs

If the farmer, maybe unknowingly, deducts start-up expenses on his or her IRS Schedule F as a business deduction, the IRS presumes that the farmer has elected to deduct or expense the start-up costs. Upon a review in the future of this year’s tax return, an adjustment will be made if it is determined that the start-up costs exceeded $5,000 and the excess should have been amortized. This illustrates that the election may be made in a “messy” manner.

The IRS requires that the beginning farmer attach a statement to a timely filed income tax return to make this election. The statement should include the following:

  • Description of trade or business (e.g., “Happy Hollow Farm”);
  • Sufficient detail of the expenses incurred and treated as start-up costs;
  • Identification of the taxable year to which the election applies;
  • Identification of any future years to which the election may apply;
  • Statement that the amortized expenses, if any, are amortized for 180 months;
  • Date that the business began.

If, at a later date, the farmer discovers that changes need to be made or additional expenses should have been treated as start-up expenses, a revised statement may be attached to a subsequent income tax return of the business. Additionally, an IRS Form 3115, Change in Method of Accounting, may be required to be filed.

Example 1: Shirley wants to provide local consumers with wholesome seasonal vegetables and cut flowers. She enjoys gardening as a pastime, but with each succeeding season she wondered if there was an opportunity to create a business from her hobby. Shirley began to investigate the possibilities through research and attending county extension and organic producer meetings. Shirley, having worked as a bookkeeper, keeps track of her expenses: meeting and conference registrations, $2,650; allowable mileage, lodging, and meal expenses, $1,250; legal expenses to register business name and organize as a limited liability company (LLC), $1,350; internet and webpage creation for business, $1,500; research material (books and accounting programs), $450; and miscellaneous expenses, $325. After a period of 18 investigative months, she begins her business, Shirley’s Veggie and Flower Farm, LLC, on March 1, 20xx (the LLC has a single member and is treated as a disregarded entity for tax purposes, meaning that Shirley will file a Schedule F). The total of allocable start-up expenses she paid prior to March 1 (20xx) is $6,175; the $1,350 organizational fees are amortized under IRC § 709.

Shirley elects to expense the maximum amount of start-up expenses and amortized the balance over 180 months. She attaches an election statement to her 20xx federal income tax return. The election statement is illustrated below.

Election Statement
Shirley's Veggie and Flower Farm, LLC
EIN 52-20120001

Elected, under IRC § 195 and Treasury Regulation § 1.195-1(c), to expense start-up costs of $5,000 and amortize the excess over $5,000 for 180 months. This business began March 1, 20xx. The business is an organic vegetable and flower farm. The election is for the calendar tax year of 20xx.

Start-up costs:

Meetings and conferences $2,650
Mileage, lodging and meals $1,250
Webpage design $1,500
Research material $450
Miscellaneous $325
Total start-up costs $6,175

Elected cost to expense: $5,000
Amortized cost over 180 months: $1,175, a per month expense of $6.53 (For year 20xx, $65)


Shirley reports the $5,000 of expenses taken in the current tax year on line 32a of her Schedule F for the LLC. The amortized expenses, $65 for tax year 20xx, is reported on IRS Form 4562, Depreciation and Amortization, Part VI, Line 42 to become part of the total expense.

Schedule F for 20xx

Start-Up Costs: Correct Reporting by Farmers for Income Tax Purposes (1)

Form 4562 for 20xx, the annual amortization will be reported in subsequent years.

Start-Up Costs: Correct Reporting by Farmers for Income Tax Purposes (2)

If Shirley ceases business before recovering her $1,175 of amortized costs, she may deduct any remainder on her final business return.

Failed Searches

A non-corporate taxpayer may not deduct any costs that result from an unsuccessful business search. However, if an alternate business is started, the former start-up costs may be deducted as a business or investment loss under Code Section 165.

IRS Publications

Additional information concerning business start-up costs can be found in Chapter 7 of IRS Publication 535: Business Expenses.

To access IRS forms and publications, go to and click on “Forms and Publications.” Then click on “Publication number” under “Download forms and publications by.” Type the publication number in the find box to search for the publication. Publications may be viewed online or downloaded by double clicking on the publication.

Additional Topics

This fact sheet was written as part of Rural Tax Education, a national effort including Cooperative Extension programs at participating land-grant universities to provide income tax education materials to farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural producers. For a list of universities involved, other fact sheets, and additional information related to agricultural income tax, please see

This information is intended for educational purposes only. You are encouraged to seek the advice of your tax or legal advisor, or other authoritative sources, regarding the application of these general tax principles to your individual circ*mstances. Pursuant to Treasury Department (IRS) Circular 230 Regulations, any federal tax advice contained here is not intended or written to be used, and may not be used, for the purpose of avoiding tax-related penalties or promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any tax-related matters addressed herein.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender. Rural Tax Education is part of the National Farm Income Tax Extension Committee. The land-grant universities involved in Rural Tax Education are affirmative action/equal opportunity institutions.

This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, under agreement number FSA21CPT0012032. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In addition, any reference to specific brands or types of products or services does not constitute or imply an endorsem*nt by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for those products or services.

Published November 2022

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This information is intended for educational purposes only. You are encouraged to seek the advice of your tax or legal advisor, or other authoritative sources, regarding the application of these general tax principles to your individual circ*mstances. Pursuant to Treasury Department (IRS) Circular 230 Regulations, any federal tax advice contained here is not intended or written to be used, and may not be used, for the purpose of avoiding tax-related penalties or promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any tax-related matters addressed herein.

Start-Up Costs: Correct Reporting by Farmers for Income Tax Purposes (2024)


Start-Up Costs: Correct Reporting by Farmers for Income Tax Purposes? ›

The IRS general rule for start-up expenses states that start-up expenses must be amortized and cannot be deducted as an ordinary business expense unless the farmer, in this case, elects to expense up to $5,000 (for tax years beginning in 2011 and beyond) with this cap being reduced, dollar for dollar, for start-up ...

Can I deduct farm startup costs? ›

The IRS provides further guidance to help beginning farmers identify these costs by allowing that a start-up cost is an expense that, if the business were in full operation, would be allowed as an ordinary and necessary business expense and would be deductible during such a business tax year, such as fall or spring ...

How much of start up costs are tax deductible? ›

The IRS permits deductions of up to $5,000 each for startup and organizational expenses in the year your business begins, provided your total startup costs are less than $50,000. Expenses beyond this limit can be amortized over 15 years.

What all can farmers write off on taxes? ›

Examples include gasoline, oil, fuel, water, rent, electricity, telephone, automobile upkeep, repairs, insurance, interest and taxes. Farmers must allocate these expenses between their business and personal parts. Generally, the personal part of these expenses is not deductible.

How do I file farm expenses? ›

Use Schedule F (Form 1040) to report farm income and expenses. File it with Form 1040, 1040-SR, 1040-SS, 1040-NR, 1041, or 1065. Your farming activity may subject you to state and local taxes and other requirements such as business licenses and fees. Check with your state and local governments for more information.

What qualifies as a farm for IRS? ›

You are in the business of farming if you culti- vate, operate, or manage a farm for profit, either as owner or tenant. A farm includes livestock, dairy, poultry, fish, fruit, and truck farms. It also includes plantations, ranches, ranges, and or- chards and groves.

Can I deduct farm expenses without income? ›

Under IRS rules, only farms operating as a business are eligible for tax breaks. In other words, if you have a “hobby” farm, you won't qualify. To avoid the label of a hobby farm, you may need to show that your farm occupies a certain portion of your land or that you attempt to generate a profit.

Which of the following are considered start-up costs for tax purposes? ›

Some examples of costs that qualify as recoverable startup costs include an analysis or survey of potential markets, products, labor supply, transportation facilities, etc.; advertisem*nts for the opening of the business; salaries and wages for employees who are being trained and their instructors; travel and other ...

Can I deduct startup costs with no income? ›

You can either deduct or amortize start-up expenses once your business begins rather than filing business taxes with no income. If you were actively engaged in your trade or business but didn't receive income, then you should file and claim your expenses. Ex: You're paid upon completion of your work.

How to record start-up costs? ›

Track And Record Startup Costs Accurately

Determine their tax basis, which is their initial price or value to the organization. You'll also want to classify them as expenses or capitalized items. Ensure you maintain receipts, contracts, and any other documentation you have for startup expenses.

Can farmers write off gas on taxes? ›

Examples of farming expenses that can be deducted:

Depreciation. Feed. Fertilizer. Gasoline, fuel and oil.

How many years can a farm show a loss? ›

It is also important to note that there is a limit for the years of losses that can be reported before it gives the IRS a red flag. “An agriculture business needs to show profit three out of every five years or two out of every seven years if it is a horse business,” he noted. “Scale is not a factor.”

Are backyard chickens a tax write-off? ›

(However, you can't ever deduct the costs of chickens and plants used as food for your own family.) Capital Expenses – While capital expenses related to improvement of your property or business are not usually deductible (the depreciate instead), you can possibly deduct costs related to: Fertilizer, lime, etc.

How do you write off a farm building? ›

The catch is if you buy or make improvements to farm property, such as a post-frame barn, you cannot deduct its entire cost in one year. Instead, you must spread the cost over the time you use the property and deduct part of it each year. This is called depreciation.

Are nonprofit startup costs tax deductible? ›

When you start a nonprofit company, you can recover a number of your organizational, or start-up, costs through tax deductions. Because there is a limit on your initial maximum deduction, additional costs must be amortized over a period of 180 months and included in the relevant year's deduction.

Can I write off a truck for my farm? ›

Taxpayers can deduct the actual cost of operating a car or truck for farm business. Only expenses for business use are deductible. Actual expenses include: • Business portion of expenses for gasoline, oil, repairs, insurance, tires, and license plates. Depreciation.

What is the qualified business income deduction for farming? ›

The key to determining if your farm qualifies for the Qualified Business Income Deduction (QBID) is your farm being a "business". In other words, you farm to make a profit and not just as a hobby. If so, you may be entitled to the QBI deduction of up to 20 percent, subject to various limitations.

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