Importance of Nutrition Education in Schools for Kids & Society (2024)

  • Rebecca Toutant
  • October 29, 2021

Importance of Nutrition Education in Schools for Kids & Society (1)

Nutrition often draws headlines around obesity, chronic disease, and our national health. And while headlines come and go, how we empower students for lifelong wellness requires an immersive educational experience.

Teachers, administrators, families, and other key stakeholders can all come together around the importance of a nutrition education for students.

The importance of nutrition education in schools

We all eat! But, students don’t always get their information from high quality, reliable places. The importance of nutrition education in schools lies in the opportunity to empower students to make sustainable, well informed food choices. Not just for while they are young people in a school environment, but so that they are equipped with the tools to succeed for the rest of their lives.

In talking about nutrition we often label things as good or bad, right or wrong, but a robust nutrition education sets students up to navigate the real-world and all of the different nuances that come with fueling our bodies.

The benefits of nutrition education in schools

Every student and adult has their own eating behaviors that make them unique. Those behaviors are impacted by their environment and experiences, as well as the information they receive. Through a well-developed nutrition education program, an individual is able to make food choices to better support their overall health outcomes.

Nutrition education programs are not just about short term outcomes but instead about helping students establish a healthy relationship with food that supports them for the rest of their life. It starts with building a foundation.

But how to teach nutrition to kids? Let’s unpack that!

When to start talking about nutrients with students

In teaching students about nutrition, it is important to understand your audience and age of your group. Exploring nutrition looks different depending on the student’s developmental and psychological readiness.

Elementary School

For example, while elementary school-aged children might be able to memorize and recite information about nutrients, they are not yet ready or able to apply that information. Abstract concepts like chemistry are not developmentally appropriate. They are better served by expanding their food worlds with interactive experiences that increase their confidence and knowledge of where foods come from and how they can interact with those foods.

Middle School & High School

As they get to middle school, students can begin to understand abstract concepts such as health and chemistry. But it really isn’t until high school that they can truly grasp content around nutrients. But even then, most adolescents are not able to practice food choice – they are dependent on parents/guardians and school systems to provide for them.

There is great value in understanding food from a chemical perspective. It helps students understand the value and impact of all foods. It also allows for greater flexibility and creativity. However both micronutrients and macronutrients are often misunderstood due to mislabeling.

For example, it’s common in popular culture to label different food groups as nutrients. Some might use the words “grains” and “carbs” interchangeably. And while grains do have the chemistry of carbohydrate, there are many other foods, including fruits, vegetables, and milk products that also have carbohydrate! Out of context, even looking at the u.s. department of agriculture (usda) food groups chart can cause some confusion on what an actual nutrient is.

Simply put, a nutrient is really the chemistry of any type of food. And each different type of carbohydrate, protein, fat, or micronutrient comes with a specific chemical makeup.

Avoidable pitfalls in nutrition education for kids

Aside from setting a foundation, we must be mindful of the context in which we are teaching nutrition. Health goals that come at the expense of, (and do not consider), social, emotional, and financial health are limited and short lasting. We often use buzzwords that look to link “healthy” with “good.”

  • Healthy Diet
  • Healthy Meals
  • Healthy Food Choices
  • Healthy Eating Habits

So if healthy (insert word) is therefore good nutrition, it leads to the false impression that if a food isn’t “healthy” then it’s “bad” or “harmful.” And that’s just not true.

Nutrition research, guidelines, and approaches have their place and value. However, it is important to keep in mind that even if there is an ‘answer’ in the literature, if it is not in line with a human’s condition, it’s not a solution.

This is where a nutrition education that is centered around the students overall well-being is crucial.

A lack of nutrition education in schools?

As school districts spend more and more time looking to teach to the state and national standards, nutrition education has not often been a focus throughout the school year.

While many school meals programs do provide additional resources as part of their services, it is not year round like many other subject areas are able to provide. Rather, students will see posters or different passive educational resources at school breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria.

But what about throughout the school day as part of the curriculum in health education or physical education? Many schools avoid incorporating nutrition education programs because of the lack of educational hours and resources available.

The involvement of school nutrition education programs from external companies

Now more than ever, companies are looking to provide high quality nutrition knowledge so that school districts can develop nutrition education programs.

As more groups look to address the public health of our students and adults, pairing different physical activity education and overall health education is becoming more prevalent.

Companies like PLT4M, have brought on nutrition experts to develop curriculum and resources that are engaging and appropriate for students. The goal is to create age-appropriate resources that help students and teachers navigate the vast ‘gray area’ of food and nutrition.

How nutrition in schools (& at home) should look

Alright, so here is the section that should have the magic answer to good nutrition, right? We wish it could be that easy.

But regardless of the health outcomes we want for ourselves or others, the guiding values typically look something like this:

  1. Fuel the body properly and regularly
  2. Move the body and pair with balanced rest
  3. Support mental and emotional health

To achieve this, there are some basic questions we can help foster and develop within our students. When you look at a food, what is it providing? And how do I get not only the nutrients I need but also the taste, textures, and flavor I enjoy?

Importance of Nutrition Education in Schools for Kids & Society (2)

What can be done to improve nutritional education for children?

Nutrition education should be approached differently for each age group based upon their cognitive and emotional development. Nutrition education in schools is only as good as the plan put in place at different developmental stages. Let’s take a look at the different levels and what to consider.

Start with nutrition activities for toddlers

For early childhood nutrition education and children between the ages of 2-7, they learn best in immersive experiences where they can interact with foods. This age group learns best by imitating, investigating, asking questions, comparing and classifying the things around them. It is ideal to keep the food experience neutral – to help them find a healthy appreciation and curiosity for all foods and flavors without any limits on the experience.

Example activities include:

  • Use senses to explore foods
  • Identify and name foods
  • Read books about food and food experiences
  • Explore cultural diversity around food
  • Engage in simple food preparation (eg, watch, pour, stir)
  • Classify simple patterns (eg, shape of foods, colors of foods) one concept at a time
  • Match pictures of food to food in real life

It might be tempting to begin to label foods “good / bad” or “healthy / unhealthy.” But these labels don’t often change behaviors. Instead, because of where they are at in their emotional development, these messages often translate that they are a “bad” person if they eat “bad” food.

Improving nutrition education in elementary schools

As children move into elementary school around age 7-11, they are able to demonstrate logical and systematic manipulation of symbols (eg, food groups) related to concrete objects (eg, foods). They are beginning to grasp some abstract concepts. And as their operational thinking develops, their egocentric thought diminishes.

Teaching nutrition to elementary students is still not the same as high schoolers, but most students are ready to move beyond the simple immersive activities of preschool. At this age, it’s appropriate to:

  • Explore where a food comes from
  • Explore how a food can be prepared multiple ways
  • Simple recipes
  • Increase engagement in food preparation process (eg, pour, stir, cut)
  • Emphasize body diversity / value
  • Emphasize ability diversity / value

It’s particularly important in this age group to avoid food / body / ability comparisons and shaming as emotionally, this is when children begin to establish their worth relative to how they feel they fit into the world around them. It’s important at this age to find ways to improve and enhance individual confidence and empowerment.

Nutrition resources for elementary school teachers

Improving nutrition for middle schoolers

Nutrition for middle school students begins to look closer to what we formally teach adults and high school students. This is the age where students begin the transition to formal operations. They begin to learn by logical use of symbols (eg, food groups) related to abstract concepts (eg, chemistry / biology). This age group is ready to expand on their nutrition foundation to….

  • Learn which foods go in which food group and why
  • Understand how to pair food / food groups to create satisfying meals
  • Learn nutrients that come from various foods
  • Avoid food / body comparisons

Improving nutrition for high school students

Teaching nutrition to high school students can be more formalized as this age group has an increased ability to apply abstract concepts like nutrients and health. This age group is more ready to explore …

  • Food chemistries like macronutrients and micronutrients
  • Impact of food on future physical and mental health
  • Impact of movement on physical and mental health health

However, it’s important to recognize that while they are more likely to understand these abstract concepts, their critical thinking ability is not fully developed. They may not fully understand and appreciate the consequences of their current actions on the future. This in combination with social pressure around conformity as well as the rapid physical and hormonal changes that make it challenging for this age group to approach food and nutrition in a healthy way. Instead, information is easily mis-interpreted to eat and exercise in a way that enhances their appearance and/or social / moral standing.

It’s also important to recognize that this age often marks the beginning of increased food independence. As students spend less time with their parents and possibly have some money, they are able to purchase food without the supporting guidance of their parents. However, these food choices can also be impacted by their social groups as well as perceived previous deprivation.

This makes it even more important for educators to avoid making nutrition education about appearance or social worth. By focusing on nutrients as is done in PLT4M, it takes some of the power away from foods and gives a shared language to talk about the “gray” area of nutrition – to appreciate that all foods have purpose and function. It’s also a powerful time to begin to ask students to reflect on their personal experience with food – to begin to develop (or further enhance) the ability to choose foods based on how they serve them vs what someone else tells them to do. This sets them up for continued future success.

Nutrition resources for middle & high school teachers & parents

  • Nutrition Lesson Plans For High School
  • Weight Vs Health In Nutrition Education
  • Supporting your Your Students Nutritional Journey

Key Takeaways: Teaching Kids About Healthy Eating

Like anything in schools, it takes a village. Think of it as ‘team nutrition’. Academic performance, physical activity, and healthy choices are all interconnected in our student’s lives. How we go about incorporating nutrition education is another piece of the larger academic puzzle we must all figure out together.

It takes a team to tackle any topic or challenge, nutrition is no different. Let’s do it together!

Other resources for nutrition education

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Importance of Nutrition Education in Schools for Kids & Society (2024)


Importance of Nutrition Education in Schools for Kids & Society? ›

Research shows that nutrition education can teach students to recognize how healthy diet influences emotional well-being and how emotions may influence eating habits. However, because schools face many demands, school staff can consider ways to add nutrition education into the existing schedule.

Why nutrition programs are important in schools? ›

As society grapples with increasing health issues like obesity and diabetes, especially among younger populations, the importance of nutritional education in schools has never been more critical. Schools are crucial in educating and shaping future generations' dietary habits and health consciousness.

Why is nutrition important in society? ›

Nutrition is a critical part of health and development. Better nutrition is related to improved infant, child and maternal health, stronger immune systems, safer pregnancy and childbirth, lower risk of non-communicable diseases (such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease), and longevity.

Why is nutrition knowledge important? ›

The importance of nutritional knowledge is that it helps individuals make informed choices about the types and amounts of food they consume, which can impact their nutritional status and overall health.

Why is nutrition education important for kids? ›

Benefits of NE

Offering NE in schools at all age levels helps prepare students for critical life skills and life-long healthy habits. Children who develop healthy habits at an early age are more likely to be well, stay well, and do well in school.

Why is it important to promote healthy eating in schools? ›

A vast body of research shows that improved nutrition in schools leads to increased focus and attention, improved test scores and better classroom behavior. Support healthy habits and consistent messages: Nutritious school food helps students develop lifelong healthy eating habits.

Why is proper nutrition important to social development? ›

Poor nutrition, characterized by inadequate intake of essential nutrients, can hinder a child's social development. Irritability and Social Interaction: Nutritional deficiencies can lead to irritability, affecting a child's ability to engage positively in social interactions.

How does a nutritionist help the society? ›

Nutritionists help people use food to improve health and to prevent and manage disease.

Why is good nutrition important in early childhood? ›

Poor diets in early childhood can lead to deficiencies in essential vitamins and nutrients – such as vitamin A deficiency, which weakens children's immunity, increases their risk of blindness and can lead to death from common childhood diseases like diarrhoea.

How does nutrition affect children's school performance? ›

Poor dietary patterns in the first five years of life can impair a child's learning ability and school readiness. Luckily, the opposite is also true – that diets rich in whole fruits, grains and vegetables are associated with better cognitive function and school readiness in early childhood.

Why is it important to provide education and support to families around healthy eating? ›

Children who learn to eat well can develop and sustain a healthy lifestyle, which has many benefits such as healthy growth and development and preventing long term illness.

What are the objectives of healthy eating for children? ›

One of the primary objectives of promoting healthy eating habits in children is to raise awareness about the importance of a balanced and nutritious diet. This involves educating parents, caregivers, teachers, and children themselves about the impact of food choices on their overall health and well-being.

What are the benefits of learning nutrition? ›

Learning about nutrition is a vital part of anyone's knowledge base. It helps us make informed decisions about what to eat, which can lead to improved health outcomes. Proper nutrition can prevent chronic diseases, improve mental health, boost energy levels, and enhance overall quality of life.

Why is it important to study nutrition? ›

A career in nutrition is ideal for those seeking to promote a balanced lifestyle and improve people's diets, while helping them to keep a healthy weight, boost their immune system, increase their energy levels, and reduce the risk of developing certain diseases.

Why is nutrition awareness important? ›

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is an important part of maintaining good health, and can help you feel your best. This means eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions, and consuming the right amount of food and drink to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.

What is the main goal of nutrition in health education? ›

To provide adequate knowledge and skills necessary for critical thinking regarding diet and health so the individual can make healthy food choices from an increasingly complex food supply. To assist the individual to identify resources for continuing access to sound food and nutrition information.

Why nutrition education is important for college students? ›

A healthy diet for college students improves energy, memory and focus. Students who eat a balanced diet are less likely to get sick — nutrient-rich diets high in vegetable intake and low in processed foods, sugars and red meat create a more robust immune system.

Why is nutrition so important for middle school students? ›

Eating a healthy breakfast is associated with improved cognitive function (especially memory), reduced absenteeism, and improved mood. Adequate hydration may also improve cognitive function in children and adolescents, which is important for learning.

Why should nutrition be taught in medical schools? ›

Nutritional guidance is a core ingredient in the prevention and treatment of chronic illnesses such as obesity. As medical students learn about these illnesses, dietary and nutrition education should be integrated to improve their knowledge and counseling skills.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.