Essay on Junk Food for Children and Students - Infinity Learn (2024)

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Essay on Junk Food: Junk food is an informal term for food that is of little nutritional value and is often high in calories, fat, sugar, and salt. It can include fast food, processed snacks, and sugary drinks. Junk food is often convenient and easy to eat, but it is not always healthy. It is generally considered to be unhealthy food that is high in calories but low in nutrients.

    Junk food has been linked to a number of health problems, including obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Some experts believe that the high levels of sugar, fat, and salt in junk food can lead to cravings and overeating.

    Essay on junk food is a common topic given to the school students during essay writing competition in order to make them aware about junk food. Here we have given some easy and simple junk food essay which you can chose according to your need of words limit.

    Long and Short Essay on Junk Food in English

    Junk Food Essay 100 words

    Good health is the necessity of living a healthy life for every one of us which needs to maintain a healthy diet and healthy habits throughout the life. However, the custom of eating junk food in many is increasing day by day and making our future sad and diseased especially our future generations. Parents should be very conscious towards the eating habits of their kids and children because in the childhood they never know and decide their good or bad so it is parents who are fully responsible for the good or bad eating habits among their kids. They should train their kids about eating habits from childhood and make them clear about the differences between healthy and junk foods.

    Essay on Junk Food for Children and Students - Infinity Learn (2) Essay on Junk Food for Children and Students - Infinity Learn (3)

    Junk Food Essay 150 words

    Generally, junk foods look so attractive and yummy for the people of every age group. However, it is very true that they are so coarse from inside. What they look from outside never become from inside. Junk foods are never considered healthy to the health, they have been proved unhealthy in all ways. Junk foods are unfit to the health and one who practice to eat junk foods calls so many disorders to his/her health. It may cause heart diseases, cancer, early ageing, high blood pressure, bone problems, diabetes, mental disorders, liver disorders, digestive system problems, constipation, diarrhoea, heart attack, prostate and breast cancer, osteoporosis, and so many health disorders.

    According to the research, it is found that puberty is the most sensitive age during which one should practice healthy eating habits because during this age there are many changes occur in the body to prepare one to enter to the adult age group.

    Junk Food Essay 200 words

    The term junk food means a food do not good to the body health in anyway. It is less nutritional and harmful to the body systems. Most of junk foods contain high level of saturated fats, sugar, salt and bad cholesterol which are toxin to the health. They become lack of dietary fibers so easily get involve in causing constipation and other digestive disorders.

    Essay on Unhealthy Food. Unhealthy food refers to heavily processed and refined food products. It’s typically less nutritious than natural, whole foods. Unhealthy food is often linked to weight gain and can lead to significant health problems, especially in kids, including the risk of developing conditions like diabetes.

    Junk foods have gained so much popularity because of the nice taste and easy to cook. There are many readymade junk foods available in the market packed in the polybags. Most of the people are depend on such readymade foods because of their busy schedule or they do not know to cook food at home.

    The consumption of junk food all over the world is increasing day by day which is not good for the future. People of all age groups like to eat junk food and they generally chose to eat whenever they enjoy special time with family like birthday party, marriage anniversary, etc. They easily become used to of taking soft drinks, wafers, chips, noodles, burgers, pizza, french fries, Chinese dishes, and other varieties of fast food available in the market.

    Junk Food Essay 250 words

    As we all know the truth about junk foods and it needs no introduction. However, it is a most interesting question that why everyone likes to eat junk foods even after knowing its truth. Nowadays every one of us is enjoying well the taste of junk food because it is delicious, affordable and readily available. Junk foods have no nutritional value and essential ingredients required for the health. I t is very harmful to the health if consumed on regular basis. It causes a spike in body energy level and creates sleeping disorders. It reduces level of concentration and calls to chronic diseases such as obesity, hormonal imbalances, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

    Junk foods become very oily and lack of dietary fibers thus they are hard to digest and require more energy to perform the process from body and make a person lack of oxygen level in the body which lead towards improper brain functioning. Junk foods are high in bad cholesterol and cause heart and liver damage. Because of lack of dietary fibers they cause strain to the stomach and other digestive organs and result in constipation.

    Junk foods are always harmful to the heath and deteriorate the health condition if taken on regular basis without providing any health benefits. We should avoid eating junk foods in order to enjoy the good health and happy life all through the life.

    Essay on Junk Food for Children and Students - Infinity Learn (4) Essay on Junk Food for Children and Students - Infinity Learn (5)

    Junk Food Essay 300 words

    The word junk food speaks itself a lot and indicates its harmful nature to the health. Junk foods are trash food to the health because they are high in calorie, fat, cholesterol, sugar and salt components. Nowadays kids and teenagers are more prone to eat junk foods daily in bulk amount. They are leading their lives towards danger through their unhealthy lifestyle. They generally eat chips, french fries, cracks, snack, chawmin, burger, pizza, pasta, and other junk foods whenever they feel hungry. No junk foods are beneficial and provide no nutritional value.

    It affects the health in all ways of the people of any age group, weight and health condition. Junk foods are considered as high in calories however one who eat end up easily getting exhausted and need more food frequently. Junk food does not provide appropriate level of energy thus the eater develop tendencies of craving more food frequently.

    What we generally acquire from the junk foods are unhealthy fats and not healthy ingredients thus we feel lack of oxygen which causes poor brain functioning. We absorb much cholesterol from such type of foods which causes plaque formation in the arteries and creates problems for the heart to pump normal amount of blood. That’s why we feel high level fatigue. High level of bad cholesterol destroys our liver and put more weight at the same time.

    According to the research, kids and children eating more junk food on daily basis are overweight and obese and highly prone to the heart and liver disorders. Such kids are more prone to become diabetic and lethargic because of high sugar collection in their body in the early ages. They get high blood pressure because of high amount of sodium mineral in the junk foods. Kids and children should be trained by their parents to follow healthy eating habits from the childhood.

    Junk Food Essay 400 words

    Junk foods taste good that’s why it is mostly liked by everyone of any age group especially kids and school going children. They generally ask for the junk food daily because they have been trend so by their parents from the childhood. They never have been discussed by their parents about the harmful effects of junk foods over health.

    According to the research by scientists, it has been found that junk foods have negative effects on the health in many ways. They are generally fried food found in the market in the packets. They become high in calories, high in cholesterol, low in healthy nutrients, high in sodium mineral, high in sugar, starch, unhealthy fat, lack of protein and lack of dietary fibers.

    Processed and junk foods are the means of rapid and unhealthy weight gain and negatively impact the whole body throughout the life. It makes able a person to gain excessive weight which is called as obesity. Junk foods tastes good and looks good however do not fulfil the healthy calorie requirement of the body. Some of the foods like french fries, fried foods, pizza, burgers, candy, soft drinks, baked goods, ice cream, cookies, etc are the example of high-sugar and high-fat containing foods.

    It is found according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention that Kids and children eating junk food are more prone to the type-2 diabetes. In type-2 diabetes our body become unable to regulate blood sugar level. Risk of getting this disease is increasing as one become more obese or overweight. It increases the risk of kidney failure.

    Eating junk food daily lead us to the nutritional deficiencies in the body because it is lack of essential nutrients, vitamins, iron, minerals and dietary fibers. It increases risk of cardiovascular diseases because it is rich in saturated fat, sodium and bad cholesterol. High sodium and bad cholesterol diet increases blood pressure and overloads the heart functioning.

    One who like junk food develop more risk to put on extra weight and become fatter and unhealthier. Junk foods contain high level carbohydrate which spike blood sugar level and make person more lethargic, sleepy and less active and alert. Reflexes and senses of the people eating this food become dull day by day thus they live more sedentary life. Junk foods are the source of constipation and other disease like diabetes, heart ailments, clogged arteries, heart attack, strokes, etc because of being poor in nutrition.

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    Essay on Junk Food FAQs

    What is junk food in 10 lines?

    Junk food is processed, high-calorie food with little nutrition. It includes items like fast food, sugary snacks, and soft drinks. These foods are often convenient but lack essential nutrients like vitamins and fiber. Overeating junk food can lead to health issues like obesity and heart problems.

    What are the 10 harmful effects of junk food?

    Eating too much junk food can cause health problems, including obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. It can also harm your dental health, lead to digestive issues, and affect your energy levels negatively.

    What is healthy food and junk food?

    Healthy food is fresh and packed with essential nutrients, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Junk food, on the other hand, is highly processed and offers little nutritional value. It's often high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats.

    How do you write a junk food essay?

    To write a junk food essay, start with an introduction explaining what junk food is. Then discuss its impact on health, including obesity and related diseases. Conclude with suggestions for a balanced diet.

    What are the harmful effects of junk food?

    Harmful effects of junk food include weight gain, high cholesterol, and an increased risk of chronic diseases. It can also lead to poor digestion, low energy, and dental problems.

    How is junk food harmful for our health?

    Junk food can harm our health by causing obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. It lacks essential nutrients, and overconsumption can lead to various health issues.

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    Essay on Junk Food for Children and Students - Infinity Learn (2024)


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    According to Neuroscience News, consuming refined sugars and saturated fats can have detrimental effects on the brain. “High-fat and processed-food diets are also associated with lower cognitive function and memory in humans and animal models as well as a higher incidence of neurodegenerative diseases.

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    To write a junk food essay, start with an introduction explaining what junk food is. Then discuss its impact on health, including obesity and related diseases. Conclude with suggestions for a balanced diet.

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    Essay on Junk Food in 150 Words

    Habitual consumption of junk food causes serious health issues because it is high in calorie content. Processed food with high content of saturated and trans fats, or high sugar content comes under this category.

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    Even our best meals have no nutritional value when they end up in the garbage can. Another reason for selling junk food is that it provides quick energy. It can take the place of a meal or help fill out an inadequate meal. Without snacks, students may fall asleep or have trouble paying attention in class.

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    Poor dietary patterns in the first five years of life can impair a child's learning ability and school readiness. Luckily, the opposite is also true – that diets rich in whole fruits, grains and vegetables are associated with better cognitive function and school readiness in early childhood.

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    A new study in rats has found that a high-sugar, high fat diet, such as junk food or a Western diet, caused long lasting memory issues. These foods are thought to disrupt the functioning of the hippocampus, an area critical for memory in humans as well as rats.

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    Junk food isn't actually made of garbage. People use the term junk food to describe a food that has few of the nutrients your body needs, and a lot of fat, sugar, and salt, which your body can easily get too much of. Potato chips, candy, and soft drinks are often considered junk food.

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    10 Lines Speech on Junk Food

    The components of junk food are very harmful and lead to serious illnesses. It is not body-friendly and causes an increase in fat levels of the body, which leads to cholesterol, blood pressure, heart diseases, obesity, and depression. Such foods even though delicious are damaging.

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    Since these foods lack any proper vitamins or nutrients, they make children feel lethargic, malnourished, and sleep-deprived. It's not just adults who can get diabetes; children are also at risk. By consuming too much sugar and fats, kids are at a higher risk of becoming diabetic.

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    Junk foods are high in calories, sugar, and fat, but lack important nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They're thought to be a key component in the obesity epidemic and a driving factor in the development of certain chronic diseases.

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    The junk food has many ill effects on our body, health and mind. A healthy-minded person should make himself and his family to say no to junk food. The restaurants and malls who sell junk food in large quantities should be banned. The government should also restrict such ads that encourage people to consume junk food.

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    Although junk food may taste good, it does not nourish our bodies. On the contrary, it causes harm to the body. Junk food contains high levels of salt, calories and cholesterol. High calories lead to obesity, high salt causes diabetes, and high cholesterol leads to severe heart-related diseases.

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    However, fast food is extremely attractive to most children because of the taste, comparatively lower price, and convenience (doesn't require any cooking or preparation). Since children typically do not understand how this kind of food negatively impacts their health, it can be quite addictive.

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    On Oct. 15, 2017, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law that bans schools from marketing unhealthy foods that are not allowed to be sold or served in schools.

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    Key facts. 'Junk food' is food that contains high levels of fats, salt or sugar, and lacks nutrients such as fibre, vitamins and minerals. Reading nutritional information labels and following the Health Star Ratings system can help you make healthy food choices.

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    A new USC-led study on rats that feasted on a high-fat, sugary diet raises the possibility that a junk food-filled diet in teens may disrupt their brains' memory ability for a long time.

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    Research suggests that diets high in trans and saturated fats can negatively impact learning and memory, nutritional deficiencies early in life can affect the cognitive development of school-aged children, and access to nutrition improves students' cognition, concentration, and energy levels.

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    Students were tested in reading, mathematics, and science in fifth and eighth grade. The students consumption of fast food in fifth grade was also measured. The results showed that students who had fast food four to six times per week showed significantly lower scores in all three categories.

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    When students go hungry, they lose their ability to focus in class, retain knowledge from studying, complete assignments effectively and perform well during tests. The impact of food insecurity on health and academic performance is long-lasting, affecting students during their college years and after graduation.

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