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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

BRICS Announce Resolution For New Payment & Settlement Activities

Arcadia Economics: 5-29-2024

The BRICS International Financial and Economic Forum opens on Monday in Moscow, and according to the organizing committee of the forum, a resolution will be adopted on new payment, settlement, and emission activities of the countries of the association.

We've talked on the show previously about a currency project called The Unit, that is reportedly being moved forward with the BRICS Business Council as a potential structure for a payment settlement mechanism.

And now the latest announcement sheds more light on what the BRICS are aiming for, with the information this time coming directly from them.

Vince explains what happened and what it means, and also goes through the latest gold and silver news and developments. To find out more, click to watch the video now!

BRICS Announce Resolution For New Payment & Settlement Activities

Arcadia Economics: 5-29-2024

The BRICS International Financial and Economic Forum opens on Monday in Moscow, and according to the organizing committee of the forum, a resolution will be adopted on new payment, settlement, and emission activities of the countries of the association.

We've talked on the show previously about a currency project called The Unit, that is reportedly being moved forward with the BRICS Business Council as a potential structure for a payment settlement mechanism.

And now the latest announcement sheds more light on what the BRICS are aiming for, with the information this time coming directly from them.

Vince explains what happened and what it means, and also goes through the latest gold and silver news and developments. To find out more, click to watch the video now!


BRICS Expansion: Venezuela Officially Ditches Dollar!

GlobalEconinsights: 5-29-2024

BRICS expansion: Venezuela officially ditches Dollar! In a move signaling a shift in global economic power, Venezuela has officially announced its decision to ditch the dollar in favor of closer ties with the BRICS nations - Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

This strategic move is seen as a significant step towards reducing dependency on the US currency and forging stronger alliances with emerging economies. Stay tuned to learn more about how Venezuela's decision to join the BRICS alliance could impact the global financial landscape.


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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Update Wednesday AM 5-30-24

Finally Iraqi dinar Rate 1 To 1USD Exchange Rate – 3:52

JP Morgan Chase Bank Manager Announcement about IRAQI dinar rate set – 2:37

Its Massive Come back , Finally Wait is Over Big Hope Big IQD Exchange Rate – 2:49

Iraq get Ready for Exchange your Dinar- 4:53

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Update Wednesday AM 5-30-24

Finally Iraqi dinar Rate 1 To 1USD Exchange Rate – 3:52

JP Morgan Chase Bank Manager Announcement about IRAQI dinar rate set – 2:37

Its Massive Come back , Finally Wait is Over Big Hope Big IQD Exchange Rate – 2:49

Iraq get Ready for Exchange your Dinar- 4:53

Finally Iraqi dinar Rate 1 To 1USD Exchange Rate – 3:52


JP Morgan Chase Bank Manager Announcement about IRAQI dinar rate set – 2:37


Its Massive Come back , Finally Wait is Over Big Hope Big IQD Exchange Rate – 2:49


Iraq get Ready for Exchange your Dinar – 4:53


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Advice, Economics, Personal Finance, Simon Black DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Economics, Personal Finance, Simon Black DINARRECAPS8

Would You Pay €1 For This House?

Notes From the Field by James Hickman (Simon Black) May 29, 2024

In 2007, Giuseppe Ferrarello found himself facing a monumental challenge as the newly-elected mayor of Gangi, Italy — an incredibly picturesque yet dwindling town nestled in the mountains of Sicily.

Like many rural communities across Italy and beyond, the village of Gangi was grappling with depopulation and economic decline. Once home to 15,000 people, its population by 2007 stood at just 7,000. Young people in particular were leaving to seek job opportunities in northern Italy and elsewhere in Europe, leaving behind aging parents and empty houses.

At first glance, the situation seemed hopeless. Gangi’s inland location far from the coast rendered it unattractive to tourists.

Would You Pay €1 For This House?

Notes From the Field by James Hickman (Simon Black) May 29, 2024

In 2007, Giuseppe Ferrarello found himself facing a monumental challenge as the newly-elected mayor of Gangi, Italy — an incredibly picturesque yet dwindling town nestled in the mountains of Sicily.

Like many rural communities across Italy and beyond, the village of Gangi was grappling with depopulation and economic decline. Once home to 15,000 people, its population by 2007 stood at just 7,000. Young people in particular were leaving to seek job opportunities in northern Italy and elsewhere in Europe, leaving behind aging parents and empty houses.

At first glance, the situation seemed hopeless. Gangi’s inland location far from the coast rendered it unattractive to tourists.

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But Ferrarello refused to give up and adopted a bold strategy to revitalize his town through the “One Euro Houses program” — a pioneering initiative aimed at attracting new residents and rejuvenating abandoned properties.

Under the program, buyers could purchase local derelict houses for a symbolic price of just one euro... but with strings attached. New owners had to commit to restoring the properties within four years.

Ferrarello’s idea was successful in attracting foreign investors. And over the next few years, the little hamlet was recognized as the “Jewel of Italy,” and named one of the “The most beautiful Italian villages.”

New residents and tourists from Europe and beyond arrived, to the delight of the local businesses and artisans.

And over the following years, several towns across Italy, Spain, France, and even the UK launched their own projects offering housing at a ‘symbolic price’.

At face value it seems like a stupendous bargain to buy a house in Europe for just 1 euro. But are these offers really worth the strings attached?

Super cheap real estate deals across various EU countries exist because the properties are worthless to their current owners. These often-dilapidated homes are located in small towns far from major population centers and tourist attractions, and many have been abandoned for generations, requiring extensive renovation.

Property taxes, though modest, make these properties a burden. And buyers typically must commit to spending at least €35,000 to renovate the property within two to three years.

If you fail to meet these obligations, you risk losing a €1,000 to €5,000 insurance deposit held by the municipality, losing the property, or both.

Other costs include €1,500 in legal fees, and roughly €3,500 for mandatory civil engineering and architectural plans.

There’s also no guarantee that €35,000 will be enough to complete renovations; many of these properties are “historic,” meaning you can’t do whatever you want. Plenty of local regulations will govern what you can and cannot do.

Therefore, renovating a small, 100 square meter (1,076 sq.ft.) home can cost between €60,000 and €160,000 to bring it to a livable and rentable condition.

Engaging in such a project could certainly benefit adventurous souls with ample free time.

But there are other challenges as well. You either need to speak Italian and be prepared for the complexities of southern European bureaucracy, or you’ll have to spend even more money on project managers.

Even if you persevere through the purchase and renovation process, consider the most probable outcome — an illiquid property in a tiny village lacking appeal to both Italians and foreigners alike. Because most of these towns aren’t as successful as Gangi at reigniting their tiny economies.

But if owning a beautiful home in Italy is your goal (and part of your Plan B), it probably makes more sense to just look at the wide selection of regular cheap properties available throughout the country.

After all, owning an Italian home does offer the allure of breathtaking scenery, cultural richness, relaxation, outdoor activities, and even an investment potential… all in one picturesque package.

Even for as low as €60,000 to €160,000, you can find a nice Italian property with no strings attached — no hunting for reliable information, no applying for remodeling and construction permits, no actual renovation, and no time wasted.

Properties almost anywhere in Italy remain remarkably cheap, as the country has, so far, missed the real estate boom experienced by its European neighbors.

As of March 2024, the average Italian property price per square meter stood at €1,850, just 6.6% higher than the nationwide low recorded in February 2020.

Property prices in Spain average €2,098 per sq.m., and €2,596 in Portugal.

And 22 provinces (out of 106) across Italy have current province-wide prices below €1,000 per square meter. That’s definitely cheap.

For example, in Gangi, the original “€1 house” village, this 151 sq.m., 3-story house in the town center offers great views, is in livable condition, and is selling for just €35,000.

(Personally, I’d rather pay 35k for the finished home than have paid 1 euro and gone through all the time, money, and work to renovate it.)

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And it’s not just the cheaper southern Italy that has these deals.

Genoa — a famous port city just south of Milan, and the birthplace of Christopher Columbus — is still 47% below its 2012 peak, with plenty of options below €1,000 per square meter.

Biella — less than 90 minutes from Milan and situated right at the foot of the Alps, next to lakes, mountains, and ski resorts — offers this spacious and modern 250 sq.m. apartment located right in the town’s historic area, selling for €155,000 — a very inexpensive €620 per square meter

Now, believe it or not, this article isn’t really about buying property in Italy. To some people, Italy may be their idyllic retirement dream. Others couldn’t care less. The larger issue is how to think about a “Plan B”.

Remember, the central idea behind a Plan B is to mitigate risks by taking sensible actions — actions which make sense regardless of what happens (or doesn’t happen) in the future.

For a lot of people, a big part of their Plan B is having a second property overseas. A second home abroad, combined with residency or citizenship, is sort of like an insurance policy: you might not ever need it… but in case you ever do, you’ll be damn glad you have one.

A second residence means that you’ll always have a place to go in case, for whatever reason, you need to leave your home country. This could be enormously valuable to you and your family.

But even if that day never comes (and hopefully it doesn’t), it’s hard to imagine you’ll be worse off for owning a nice property in a place where you really enjoy spending time-- which you were able to purchase on the cheap and generate modest cashflow while you’re not using it.

For some people, Italy ticks that box. For others, it doesn’t. And for others, buying a second home isn’t the right move either. Everyone has unique, individual circ*mstances.

The key idea is that we can apply this same logic to other elements of a Plan B, including our finances.

For example, we have long argued why inflation will grow and become a major problem for the US dollar in the coming years; it will be extremely difficult to take on $20+ trillion in new debt in the next decade without serious, serious inflation.

Real assets are a major inflation hedge. And right now, many real assets-- including key commodities and the companies which produce them — are historically cheap.

We’re talking about high quality gold or copper miners that generate fantastic profits, have virtually zero debt, and pay 8%+ dividends… yet their shares trade at laughably low valuations.

If our inflation thesis plays out as expected, these types of companies will do extremely well, and shareholders could be richly rewarded.

But even if inflation never materializes (which is highly doubtful), it still makes sense to consider owning a strong, profitable business that pays a great dividend.

James Hickman Co-Founder, Schiff Sovereign LLC


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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20


CandyKisses: Sudani announces the opening of 48 power transmission stations and 152 electricity distribution stations in Iraq

{Political: Al-Furat News} Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani announced the opening and operation of 200 power transmission and electricity distribution stations.

The media office of the Sudanese in a statement received by {Euphrates News}, that "Sudanese announced the opening and operation of 48 transmission stations for electric power for ultra high and high pressure, and 152 power distribution stations in all provinces of Iraq."

"This is part of the first phase of a package of projects to solve bottlenecks in electricity transmission and distribution networks in Baghdad and a number of provinces," he said.


CandyKisses: Sudani announces the opening of 48 power transmission stations and 152 electricity distribution stations in Iraq

{Political: Al-Furat News} Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani announced the opening and operation of 200 power transmission and electricity distribution stations.

The media office of the Sudanese in a statement received by {Euphrates News}, that "Sudanese announced the opening and operation of 48 transmission stations for electric power for ultra high and high pressure, and 152 power distribution stations in all provinces of Iraq."

"This is part of the first phase of a package of projects to solve bottlenecks in electricity transmission and distribution networks in Baghdad and a number of provinces," he said.

Tishwash: Al-Sudani discusses with the New Generation bloc steps for economic reform

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani discussed with the New Generation Bloc the government’s steps towards economic reform.

The Prime Minister's media book stated in a statement received by Al-Maalouma, that "Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani received members of the House of Representatives from the New Generation Bloc, and during the meeting, they discussed the general conditions in the country, the conditions in the Iraqi Kurdistan region, and discussed the government's steps in Implementing the priorities of its program in economic reform, providing services, and alleviating unemployment and poverty rates, in a way that helps achieve a development renaissance that will be reflected in the economic and social situation in general.”

He added, "The meeting witnessed an emphasis on the importance of coordination and integration of work between the executive and legislative authorities, which is in the best interest of the country, and also stressed the need for political forces to make the required efforts in addressing issues and differences in visions, with the aim of enhancing stability throughout Iraq and preserving the democratic approach." Which supports the state and its institutions.” link


CandyKisses: Parliament finances talk about the deficit of the budget: we will adopt this mechanism to fill it

Economy News - Baghdad

Today, Thursday (May 30, 2024), the Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed the mechanism for bridging the financial deficit in the fiscal budget for the year 2024 sent by the government to the House of Representatives.

Committee member Moeen Al-Kazemi said that "the 2024 budget, according to the schedules sent by the government to the House of Representatives, amounts to (211) trillion dinars, and the government's oil and non-oil revenues amount to (147) trillion dinars, and this means that the deficit will be (64) trillion dinars, and we in the Finance Committee will follow up on this issue and give our perceptions regarding addressing the deficit in the upper limit."

Al-Kazemi indicated that "the government wants to address this deficit by borrowing from the Central Bank of Iraq in the amount of (20) trillion dinars and from other banks with a value of (5) trillion dinars and issuing new national bonds with (5) trillion dinars, and with a rise in oil prices, up to (16) trillion dinars, and for this we will have multiple meetings with the competent government agencies to find out the details of that process and how it is possible to fill the deficit away from borrowing and reduce it."

On Wednesday (May 22, 2024), the Parliamentary Finance Committee began holding its first meeting after receiving the 2024 budget tables, to review the budget tables and start studying them for the purpose of proceeding with their approval.

Later, the Finance Committee confirmed in a statement that it held its first meeting on the Federal Budget Law for the year 2024 with the aim of developing a comprehensive plan to review and analyze the budget tables and items related to them after their arrival from the Prime Minister's Office


Tishwash: China: We support the development of Iraq's economy and are confident of securing our companies and individuals working there

On Wednesday, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Fouad Hussein, held discussions with Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, on the sidelines of the tenth session of the ministerial meeting of the Arab-Chinese Cooperation Forum currently held in Beijing.

During the meeting, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi renewed his welcome to accept the invitation to visit Iraq, and also welcomed the holding of the joint Iraqi-Chinese committee meeting scheduled to be held in Baghdad.

The meeting discussed many bilateral issues of common interest between the two countries, including political, economic and military issues. China is Iraq's first trading partner and one of the largest importers of Iraqi crude oil, and it has a large number of companies working in various fields to advance the Iraqi economic situation.

Hussein touched on the development project launched by the Iraqi government, which links Iraq from the port of Al-Faw to Turkey and Europe in the north, and the possibility of aligning this strategic project with the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, which Iraq joined in 2015.

Hussein stressed the Iraqi government's efforts to diversify the sources of the economy in the fields of agriculture and religious tourism, and called on Chinese companies to invest in the field of alternative energy and gas, noting that Iraq will play an important role in investing in associated gas.
They also discussed banking and financial cooperation between the two countries, as well as China’s support for Iraq to obtain financial financing for investment in infrastructure projects from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, especially in development road projects.
The two sides appreciated the diplomatic efforts in opening the Iraqi Consulate General in Guangzhou and the Chinese Consulate in Basra, as well as welcoming the opening of the Beijing-Baghdad line of Iraqi Airlines.

Wang Yi stressed China's continued support for Iraq's efforts to preserve its sovereignty and develop its economy and in the field of combating terrorism and rejecting all foreign interference. He also expressed his confidence that Iraq will provide security guarantees to Chinese institutions, companies and individuals working in Iraq.

For his part, Fouad Hussein stressed the ongoing cooperation between the two countries in the field of mutual support for international positions, pointing to Iraq’s important role in improving relations in the countries of the region, especially in bringing the views between Saudi Arabia and Iran closer. He appreciated the Chinese efforts on all pivotal issues, including the Palestinian issue and its decisions. link

Mot: ... Beeeeeeeeeeeeee Shur and Has a Very ~~~~~~

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Mot: . Tips on Cleaning the House!! -- frum ole ""Mot "" of Course!

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Morning everyone…. hopefully we're on our way home to start our new lives

Member: The weeks are just flying by….Come on RV

Member: Remember how far you've come, not just how far you have to go.

Member: You mentioned your gut thinks the RV could happen between June 2 and 9th… Is that still valid?

MZ: Based on what I am hearing from the bond side, government side and group side…..To me it’s what makes the most sense. But, I am not ruling out any moment, because it’s a strong possibility. But I am getting more info that the bond people are getting punted until the 2nd.

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Morning everyone…. hopefully we're on our way home to start our new lives

Member: The weeks are just flying by….Come on RV

Member: Remember how far you've come, not just how far you have to go.

Member: You mentioned your gut thinks the RV could happen between June 2 and 9th… Is that still valid?

MZ: Based on what I am hearing from the bond side, government side and group side…..To me it’s what makes the most sense. But, I am not ruling out any moment, because it’s a strong possibility. But I am getting more info that the bond people are getting punted until the 2nd.

MZ: Some people who had meetings were told their funds would release on the 2nd…so that makes the most sense. The bond side is getting confusing, but, that might be on purpose so we cannot figure out the timing. But its highly possible it happens this weekend.

MZ: I was once told the optimum time would be on a Saturday night to Sunday morning

Member: How do the historic bonds and currencies differ for the RV?

MZ: Currencies are part of the RV (Re-Valuation) whereas historic bonds are the process leading to the global reset. Historic bonds have to be settled before the reset and the bonds will give liquidity to fund the currencies.

Member: Funding also comes from Chinese elders, St. Germaine and Rodriguez trusts….and the D! and D2 out of Dubai…..is what I heard

Member: I heard the contract for Saudi to sell only for USD only ends on June 9th… I think that's the only thing propping up the dollar

Member: Maybe the 6/9 date has to do with end of 70 yr Saudi contract for using dollar for oil?

Member: Yes-77 year contract with Saudi Arabia expires on 6/9/24. USD for Oil. They ARE NOT renewing that contract! Boom!

Member: I heard the Federal Reserve's charter agreement also ends on June 9th.No idea if its true…..

​​Member: Iraq had a holiday called Eid Al-Adha on the 9th.

Member: Holiday Week in Iraq (potentially distribute smaller notes to banks & ATMs) 6/14-6/22…RV 6/23 (or that week)Budget gets final Approval (with new rate) just before end of June... new Quarter begins

Member: I know you said that you know people working in redemption centers. Do we know how many centers there are on average?

Member: Mark has said that there should be a redeeming bank/RC within 50 miles of most Americans. A little further if you live in the boondocks.

Member: MarkZ, what is your opinion of reported $ 11 Trillion in USA Debt Defaulting in about 2 weeks and it's possible impact on RV Timing ?

Member: Think momentum…. all financial activity globally is head to the RV no doubt.

Member: Does there have to be a total financial crash before we can RV??

Member: Noone seems to know

Member: my Credit Union is updating core banking technology june 7 to 10

Member: IMO-The current administration is fighting to stop the RV all the way to the end.

Member: if the white hats are here they need to step the game up people are losing faith and hope. they can't afford to do anything. but work and sleep

Member: If this doesn't goes soon WE WILL BE A HUMANTARIAN PROJECT!!

Member: Great things about to happen for All Thank you Mark for your Immense boost of moral


Odysee at: https://odysee.com/@theoriginalmarkz:e OR THE RUMBLE CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/user/theoriginalmarkz

FOLLOW MARKZ : TWITTER . https://twitter.com/originalmarkz?s=21. TRUTH SOCIAL . https://truthsocial.com/@theoriginalm...

Mod: MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

MARK’S TELEGRAM ROOM FOR WORLD NEWS EVENTS & CHAT? LINK: https://t.me/TrollingNews_telegram


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdWqgP8Ukpw

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

How to Predict the Collapse of the Global Financial System Before It Happens

On May 24, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

These simple early warning signs in US Dollar markets will help you know before it’s too late.

In This Article

Bond Market Instability as a Warning Sign

Central Bank Interventions: A Prelude to Collapse

The US Dollar’s Surge: A Harbinger of Crisis

Recognizing the Final Indicators of Systemic Failure

We all know that the global fiat financial system is approaching the edge of collapse.

How to Predict the Collapse of the Global Financial System Before It Happens

On May 24, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

These simple early warning signs in US Dollar markets will help you know before it’s too late.

In This Article

  • Bond Market Instability as a Warning Sign

  • Central Bank Interventions: A Prelude to Collapse

  • The US Dollar’s Surge: A Harbinger of Crisis

  • Recognizing the Final Indicators of Systemic Failure

We all know that the global fiat financial system is approaching the edge of collapse.

Of course, it is simply not possible to predict the actual date.

Yet, there are some fundamental warning signs to look for ahead of the inevitable crash.

Understanding a few simple indicators like the bond market instability, central bank’s taking desperate measures, and a record-breaking surge of the US dollar’s value against other major currencies will help you predict that the system is about to fail sooner rather than later.

I explain each of these basic warning signs below.

Sovereign Bond Market Instability: The First Warning Sign

The bond market is a barometer of economic health, and its instability signals impending disaster.

During periods of growing financial system stress, the bond market can experience a very weak demand (bids) as investors scramble for safety.

The high probability of weak bond sales during an accelerating crises will trigger central bank intervention.

However, massive central bank intervention will present a double-edged sword.

When risk can’t be contained within the sovereign debt market, it spills over into corporate bonds or credit spreads, indicating the credit markets are heading into a global dollar credit freeze.

Dramatic Central Bank Interventions: A Prelude to Collapse

Central banks are often seen by mainstream news outlets as saviors in times of crisis, but their interventions.

When central banks rush to stabilize the bond market, they expose the system’s inherent weaknesses.

As risk migrates from the sovereign debt market to other areas, such as corporate bonds or the currency market, the fragility of the entire system becomes publicly apparent and creates a self-fulfilling panic prophecy.

A Record-breaking Surge of the US Dollar: The Final Sign

In times of global financial stress, the US dollar emerges as the ultimate safe haven. It literally is the cleanest dirty shirt in the currency laundry basket.

However, the dollar’s final earth-shattering surge won’t be a sign of dollar strength, but actually the last phase of the global fiat system collapse.

Non-US countries hold massive amounts of dollar-denominated debt, and when crises hit, they struggle to refinance these obligations. This causes huge demand for dollars globally resulting in a worldwide dollar shortage.

Especially in the global EuroDollar shadow banking market.

The resulting dollar scarcity drives up its value, particularly in the offshore Eurodollar market. There will be no dollars to be had and a parabolic surge in the US dollar’s value will result (supply and demand basics).

As capital flees emerging markets and returns to the US, the dependency on the US dollar becomes a glaring weakness.

The global financial system, tightly wound around the dollar, will be pushed to its breaking point.

This final dollar surge is not a sign of confidence but a desperate grasp for stability as the global financial system completely unravels.

Recognizing the Final Indicators of Systemic Failure

To predict the impending collapse of the global fiat financial system, watch for these ominous signs:

  1. Desperate Central Bank Interventions: Large-scale, frequent efforts by central banks to prop up the bond market signal deep-seated instability.

  2. US Dollar Scarcity: A sharp increase in demand for US dollars, especially in offshore markets, indicates severe stress.

  3. Volatile Currency Movements: Wild fluctuations in exchange rates, with the US dollar soaring against other currencies, reflect panic and instability.

  4. Emerging Market Crises: Early liquidity crises in emerging markets can quickly escalate, engulfing major economies and signaling a global meltdown.

As the crisis reaches its zenith, the US dollar will experience a euphoric surge, reaching record-breaking highs.

This final rally is the ultimate warning sign of the fiat financial system’s imminent collapse. When the world fixates on the US dollar as the last bastion of value, the system is on the brink of failure.

The Bottom Line

The collapse of the global fiat financial system is not a question of if, but when. By recognizing the bond market’s instability, central bank interventions, and the US dollar’s historic surge, one can foresee the impending disaster.


© GCR Real-Time News

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 30 May 2024

CompiledThurs. 30 May 2024 12:01 am ESTby Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

Judy Note: From the below information it appeared that Tiers 1 and 2 have been funded and Bond Holders were set to receive liquidity on Wed. 39 May – the same day regulations for the Global Currency Reset would be finalized. Tier 3 appeared to be under Non Disclosure Agreements so they may have completed appointments and/or have liquidity. Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) could be notified with exchange appointments set any time from Sat. 1 June to Tues. 4 June, with a final D Day of Thurs. 6 June. The Tier4b exchange/ bond redemption process was hoped to be finished by Sat. 15 June, with a back wall date of a Tier4b finish by Thurs. 4 July. It was believed that the GCR would be announced (where Tier 5 the General Public could exchange at the new international currency rates) on Thurs. 4 July.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 30 May 2024

CompiledThurs. 30 May 2024 12:01 am ESTby Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

Judy Note: From the below information it appeared that Tiers 1 and 2 have been funded and Bond Holders were set to receive liquidity on Wed. 39 May – the same day regulations for the Global Currency Reset would be finalized. Tier 3 appeared to be under Non Disclosure Agreements so they may have completed appointments and/or have liquidity. Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) could be notified with exchange appointments set any time from Sat. 1 June to Tues. 4 June, with a final D Day of Thurs. 6 June. The Tier4b exchange/ bond redemption process was hoped to be finished by Sat. 15 June, with a back wall date of a Tier4b finish by Thurs. 4 July. It was believed that the GCR would be announced (where Tier 5 the General Public could exchange at the new international currency rates) on Thurs. 4 July.

Tues. 28 May 2024 Wolverine:

Sovereign Bond Holders are getting ready to get notifications and lots happening with Paymasters getting ready.

I have been told Brazil should get liquidity tomorrow Wed. 29 May.

All is in line from Sat. 1 June onward for T3 and T4.

T1 and T2 are completed. This was confirmed with various sources.

I have been told the National Bank of Brazil (from my source on the inside), is that they are about to hopefully release the funds and their liquidity tomorrow Wed. 29 May for the bond holders.

Most of you are currency holders, and what I have been told (I know you guys are frustrated) is that anytime during the week we should get our notifications for currency.

There is a lot of intel I cannot tell you. I have been told not to say anything, but all good news coming in. Hope all I have been told will come to reality. I do not have anymore.

This is all that came through early this morning.

What I have been told is that Brazil will be released first, that is what came out, but cannot confirm, but that is what people say that Brazil will go first. I do not care who goes first, just want it to start.

Take care guys have a beautiful day. Wolverine.


Wed. 29 May 2024 MarkZ: “I absolutely believe this has started and cannot be stopped. …It’s very quiet still on the Historic Bond side. My European contact who had a meeting yesterday is still MIA. I still go straight to his voicemail. The phone is simply not turned on. I hope that is a very positive thing. I know of three Historic Bond Contacts with appointments today.”

On Wed. 29 May 2024 the MICA (Global Regulations) are done. Then, we begin the process of implementing the QFS. It will not be done in one day, but the process begins. …Goldilocks

Tues. 28 May 2024 Bruce via Sue: Our number one Intel Guy said we could expect midday and early evening for notifications anytime from now to the weekend Sat. 1 June and maybe exchange Thurs. 30 May through the weekend. Another call from a person very high and strategic said to look for the 800s anytime from tomorrow Wed. 29 to Tues. 4 June.

Tues. 28 May 2024 TNT: This morning’s notification still says 99.9%. Be Alert!


Payout for Tier Groups involved in the RV:

The Dubai Accounts Funds the RV: Dubai 1 funds Tiers 1&2 of the RVand Dubai 2 funds Tiers 3&4 of the RV, while Dubai 3 funds the Adjudicated Accounts and GESARA.

The payout of the Bonds and Currency is done in order of the different tiers. There are five Tiers that will be exchanging: Tiers 1, 2, 3, 4 &5.

Liquidity Release is done in a certain order. The Elders, German Bonds and select Yellow Dragon Bonds must be paid first and have been.

A. Dubai 1 released for liquidity which then triggers Dubai 2&3.
B. F&P’s are released to recipients (they need D1 liquid, this is their hold up)
C. Bonds will be liquid (they need D1 to be liquid)
D. Tiers 1-4b are notified. (they need D1 to be liquid) It appears all is set to go on or about the same time!

Tier 1 Sovereign Nation Debt of Governments: Chinese Royals, Bond Holders, Paymasters, Church Groups, CMKX, F&P, Adjudicated Settlements, Ranch and Farm Claims and other groups.

Tier 2 Royals, Elders, Whales, Military Generals and some political type Elites with platforms of currency, corporations, etc.

Tier 3 Admirals Group, American Indians, CMKX, large church groups like the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Pentecostal group was now 100% under an NDA.

Tier 3 was all Dubai 2 Trust Money and originally was the Generals and public. Now Tier 3 includes groups with projects including the Admiral.

The Admiral was sent to the back of the line and renamed Tier 4A (really just a pie slice of tier 3). The Admiral’s Group was composed of three parts – most notable of which was Tier4a Core groups and 130 VIP groups.

Tier 4B, (us, the Internet Group) is the largest group and composed of the general public who paid attention to the intel – the people who have bought currency and/or bonds and kept up with the reset by way of information on the Internet.

Tier 5 The general public who never paid attention to the Intel.

The official GO for Tier 4b has not been released yet. It can happen any moment. As all Tier1-4b are funded, we await the final release to reach to our level.

It’s a process. It’s tedious and time consuming – making adjustments as needed along the way for accuracy and safety of all involved. It’s a very quiet & discrete operation, where the general public is left uninformed for obvious reasons. Pay attention to the levels that are ahead of us. That will help give a better understanding of where we are, in relation to it reaching the 4b level. BUT, it is unfolding. And when it reaches our levels, there will be no doubts. It’s coming! Keep the faith.

Read full post here: https://dinarchronicles.com/2024/05/30/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-may-30-2024/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/

Militia Man 1320 that's where we're at - the official exchange rate. If they were to adjust and drop the three zeros, what's that become? 1.32 to the dollar...That transition can happen in a fast and furious manner...The least amount of shock to the markets that's when it could occur...

Deepwoodz Surely everybody that puts just a little bit of thought into this understands that the biggest announcement in Iraqs history will come with all the who’s who, all the wannabe’s, and all the news organizations, celebrations in the street...etc...in one place with horns blaring to make the RI known to the citizens and the rest of us shortly after.

IMPORTANT Iraq Losing Millions Each Month

Edu Matrix: 5-29-2024

IMPORTANT Iraq Losing Millions Each Month - Iraqi Oil Minister call for immediate meeting with KRG and Oil Contractors to resolve the oil export through Turkey's pipeline. Issue that has been going on since March of 2023.


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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Late Wednesday Evening 5-29-24

Finally CBI Officially Announced IQD RV Date and Time – 4:44

Iraqi Dinar Latest Update – 5:33

iraqi dinar 1 To 1USD Exchange Rate Today – 3:47

Iraqi Dinar JP Morgan Huge Exchange Rate – 3:47

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Late Wednesday Evening 5-29-24

Finally CBI Officially Announced IQD RV Date and Time – 4:44

Iraqi Dinar Latest Update – 5:33

iraqi dinar 1 To 1USD Exchange Rate Today – 3:47

Iraqi Dinar JP Morgan Huge Exchange Rate – 3:47

Finally CBI Officially Announced IQD RV Date and Time – 4:44


Iraqi Dinar Latest Update – 5:33


iraqi dinar 1 To 1USD Exchange Rate Today – 3:47


Iraqi Dinar JP Morgan Huge Exchange Rate – 3:47


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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Currency Insider Video Update Late Wednesday Evening 5-29-24

Iraqi Dinar 1 to 1.30 – 2:05

Iraqi Dinar Float $4.23 – 2:14

Iraqi Dinar Al-Sudani Big Move Dinar On Top – 2:07

Currency Insider Video Update Late Wednesday Evening 5-29-24

Iraqi Dinar 1 to 1.30 – 2:05

Iraqi Dinar Float $4.23 – 2:14

Iraqi Dinar Al-Sudani Big Move Dinar On Top – 2:07

Iraqi Dinar 1 to 1.30 – 2:05


Iraqi Dinar Float $4.23 – 2:14


Iraqi Dinar Al-Sudani Big Move Dinar On Top – 2:07


Read More


Iraq Economic News and Points To Ponder Late Wednesday Evening 5-29-24

The Central Bank Concludes A Symposium On Compliance And Anti-Money Laundering

May 29, 2024 The Central Bank of Iraq, Kurdistan Region Branch, concluded an educational seminar targeting workers in mediation companies for buying and selling foreign currencies within the geographical area of ​​the branch.

The organizers of the symposium presented the concepts of controls and instructions regulating the work of exchange and brokerage companies in the sale and purchase of foreign currencies, amended No. (1) of the year 2022, and

introduced the law on combating this phenomenon, No. (39) of 2015, as well as

explaining the concepts and mechanisms for the success of the project of merging brokerage companies in the sale and purchase of currencies.

Iraq Economic News and Points To Ponder Late Wednesday Evening 5-29-24

The Central Bank Concludes A Symposium On Compliance And Anti-Money Laundering

May 29, 2024 The Central Bank of Iraq, Kurdistan Region Branch, concluded an educational seminar targeting workers in mediation companies for buying and selling foreign currencies within the geographical area of ​​the branch.

The organizers of the symposium presented the concepts of controls and instructions regulating the work of exchange and brokerage companies in the sale and purchase of foreign currencies, amended No. (1) of the year 2022, and

introduced the law on combating this phenomenon, No. (39) of 2015, as well as

explaining the concepts and mechanisms for the success of the project of merging brokerage companies in the sale and purchase of currencies.

Foreign companies to form exchange companies under categories (A and B) and provide modern banking services and expand them for the purposes of combating money laundering and terrorist financing in accordance with international requirements and standards.

This symposium comes within a series of specialized seminars and workshops organized by the Central Bank, focusing on combating the crime of money laundering and terrorist financing and regulatory requirements in accordance with compliance controls. Central Bank of Iraq information Office May 29, 2024 https://cbi.iq/news/view/2594

Association Of Banks: The Joint Committee With The American Side Will Begin Its Work Next Month

President of the Iraqi Private Banks Association, Wadih Al-Handal Economy News – Baghdad The head of the Iraqi Private Banks Association, Wadih Al-Handal, confirmed on Wednesday the effort to open more prospects for work with correspondent banks, while indicating that the joint committee with the American side regarding the banking sector will begin its work next month.

Al-Handal said, in a statement reported by the official news agency and seen by Al-Iqtisad News, that “the Prime Minister’s recent visit to the United States of America had a great impact on the understanding with the American side,” indicating that “what is important in this understanding is the formation of the committee that will begin... Its first meeting is at the beginning of next June.

He added, "We are very optimistic about this committee, which will be concerned with correcting the situation and returning the banking sector as much as possible to what it was, including dealing with correspondent banks and other clear points at the Central Bank of Iraq, including compliance and training of human cadres, including requirements related to money laundering."

He continued, "What was mentioned above is adopted by correspondent banks, in addition to the standards of disclosure and transparency of sources of funds, and these are the ABCs known in banking, and we sense all the seriousness and have great confidence in the direction of the Prime Minister and the Central Bank of Iraq for this," pointing out, "We are working in the banking sector currently." "To open more horizons for working with correspondent banks."

165 views 05/29/2024 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=43828

Oil Prices Rise To More Than $84 Per Barrel

Economy | 09:28 - 05/29/2024 Oil prices rose during early trading on Wednesday, thanks to expectations that the main producers will continue production cuts at the OPEC+ alliance meeting scheduled for Sunday, as well as expectations of an increase in fuel consumption with the start of the peak demand season in the summer.

Brent crude futures for July delivery increased by 27 cents, or 0.3 percent, to $84.49 per barrel by 0042 GMT. US West Texas Intermediate crude futures for July rose 35 cents, or 0.4 percent, to $80.18.

Traders and analysts expect the OPEC+ alliance, which includes the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its allies, including Russia, to maintain voluntary production cuts, which total about 2.2 million barrels per day. https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=248806

Visa Reinvents Cards And Unveils New Digital Products

Launch of Visa Pay, a payments platform that delivers world-class digital mobile payments experiences

May 29, 2024 Last updated: May 29, 2024

Independent/- Today, within the framework of the activities of the annual Visa Payments Forum in the Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa region,

Visa revealed a package of new products and services that herald a radical transformation in card services and meet the future needs of its customers, consumers, merchants and financial institutions throughout the region.

As payment methods have changed over the past five years from what they were previously, these new innovations will provide unique payment experiences to create a qualitative shift in commercial and financial activity, including e-commerce, in-store shopping, and money transfers.

On this occasion, Visa’s Regional President for Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Andrew Torrey, said:

“The significant acceleration in the growth of digital payments across the Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa region has led to a major shift in the ways we pay and collect money online and in stores.

As we continue our mission to shape the future of commerce, we are excited to support our customers, partners, consumers and merchants with the next generation of pioneering digital payment experiences.

Today, we are unveiling new card features and digital innovations that will provide consumers and merchants with more personalized, convenient, secure and comprehensive solutions.”

Visa offers a range of innovative solutions that support digital identity, seamless payment experiences, flexible payments, accepting digital payments for microbusinesses, and protecting the security of account-to-account payments.

Additionally, Visa announced the launch of its new payments-as-a-service platform, Visa Pay, which provides world-class mobile experiences for digital payments and intra-remittance transfers across the Central and Eastern Europe and Middle East Africa regions.

This platform includes a comprehensive set of payment capabilities, and allows banks to deploy innovative and rapid solutions including digital card issuance requests, payment initiation order management, click-through payment, fraud and risk management, digital wallet platforms, and many more.

The new products and services Visa unveiled today, which will begin rolling out later this year, include:

Flexible Visa Credentials

The provision of flexible credentials from Visa will allow customers to switch between different payment methods using a single card, providing greater choice for customers who can now set specific payment criteria or choose one of the payment methods that include debit cards, credit cards, or pay in four instalments., redeem reward points, or even pay in another currency.

This service is scheduled to be available in the Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa regions in the coming months.

Accepting Payments From Micro Business Owners

With an estimated 120 million formal and informal small and micro business merchants unable to accept digital payments in the CEE region, Visa is developing new ways to enable digital payments using virtual cards and credentials.

In this context, the company this year will provide new methods of payment via mobile devices to all merchants, including:

* USSD Push Payments: Allows digital payments via any mobile phone that supports this feature.

* Small Business Owner Acceptance: This allows money to be transferred from consumer to merchant through smartphone devices.

* Mobile tap: Any device can now become a point of sale (POS) by simply tapping a card or digital credential.

Visa Payment Passkey Service

Identifying people in the digital world has become very complex; This has naturally led to a significant increase in fraud, with online payment fraud today being seven times higher than in-person payments.

Based on the latest Fast Verification of Identity Online (FIDO) standards, the Payment Passkey service can confirm a consumer's identity and enable online payment through a quick scan of their biometrics such as their facial features or fingerprint.

Visa passkeys replace one-time passwords or codes when shopping online, allowing for more seamless and secure transactions.

This service also confirms the consumer's identity without interrupting the payment process, as well as enhancing security levels and reducing friction when paying digitally - through any device or website - worldwide.

Click To Pay

Visa has launched Click to Pay to provide a more seamless and secure payment experience on a broader scale, where consumers only need their email, phone number or Visa payment passkey to complete online payments.

Additionally, Visa will collaborate with card issuers in several markets around the world to enable Click to Pay and Visa Payment Passkey services on new Visa cards, reducing manual entry of card details and passwords from the moment you start using the card.

The “Click to Pay” service is available today in the Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa regions.

Visa Protection for Account-to-Account (A2A) Payments

Visa processes more than 200 billion transactions annually and analyzes 500 data elements in each transaction to detect and stop fraud in real time.

By collaborating with real-time payments (RTP) networks around the world and leveraging decades of experience, Visa is working to use artificial intelligence to reduce fraudulent attempts in account-to-account payments across these networks.

Visa's P2P protection service has already identified 60% of fraud across real-time payments channels, which financial institutions in the UK and Latin America had not previously detected.

This service is scheduled to be available in the Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa regions in the coming months.

Visa Pay Platform

Visa Pay is a payments-as-a-service platform that allows banks to quickly launch a range of new digital services for consumers and sellers through their mobile banking apps to stay ahead of consumers' digital preferences.

This platform enables digital card issuance applications, payment initiation order management, pay-per-click, risk and fraud management, tokenization, digital wallet platforms, and issuer processing through a partner.

This platform allows banks to enhance their applications on mobile phones, as consumers will enjoy world-class user experiences via mobile phone to complete digital payments and financial transfers, as well as enhance security levels and reduce fraud attempts.

The Visa Pay platform is scheduled to be launched in the Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa regions in the coming months. https://mustaqila.com/visa-تعيد-ابتكار-البطاقات-وتكشف-عن-منتجات/

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit : https://www.bondladyscorner.com/

ProvokingThoughts and Points To Ponder on Character:

Always do right. This will gratify some people, and astonish the rest.-Mark Twain

He's an honest man - you could shoot craps with him over the telephone.-Earl Wilson

The man whose conscience never troubles him must have it pretty well trained.-Anonymous

Too often when conscience tries to speak, the line seems to be busy.-Anonymous

Generous people are rarely mentally ill people.-Karl Menninger

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; When health is lost, something is lost; When character is lost, all is lost!-Anonymous

The great hope of society is individual character.-William Ellery Channing

Conscience is a treacherous thing, and mine behaves badly whenever there is a serious danger of being found out.-Margaret Lane



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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Update Wednesday Afternoon 5-29-24

Iraqi Dinar You Can See the New Exchange Rate – 3:59

Reserve Bank of Zimb Finally Revalued Zimbabwe Dollar US Bank Green Lights - 4:44

United State Of Amazing Announcement Rv Of Iraqi Dina – 4:45

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Update Wednesday Afternoon 5-29-24

Iraqi Dinar You Can See the New Exchange Rate – 3:59

Reserve Bank of Zimb Finally Revalued Zimbabwe Dollar US Bank Green Lights - 4:44

United State Of Amazing Announcement Rv Of Iraqi Dina – 4:45

Iraqi Dinar You Can See the New Exchange Rate – 3:59


Reserve Bank of Zimb Finally Revalued Zimbabwe Dollar US Bank Green Lights – 4:44


United State Of Amazing Announcement Rv Of Iraqi Dina – 4:45


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Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar   Recaps (2024)
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