Diet, behaviour and learning in children (2024)

What, and how, children eat can affect their mood, behaviour and learning. The best diet for good mood, behaviour and learning is one that includes a regular eating pattern and a variety of food.

Eating a varied diet

We need many different nutrients in our diet to support our brain. These include vitamins, essential fats and amino acids (found in protein). The best way to get them is by eating a varied diet.

A large, well-designedstudy of adolescents showed that “healthier” dietary patterns contributed to better mood, and “unhealthy” dietary patterns led to poor mood. The same study was able to show that poor mood did not cause an unhealthy dietary pattern.

Eating regular meals

Eating regular meals helps to regulate blood sugar. This may influence some of the hormones that control our mood and ability to concentrate. For this reason, poor mood and behaviour are often observed in children who have been without food for too long (for example, children who haven’t eaten breakfast).

The importance of specific nutrients for the brain

Some nutrients seem to be particularly important for the brain. These include minerals like iron, zinc, magnesium and iodine; vitamin D; B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, dietary fibre from plant-based foods may also be important.

Studies of Single Nutrients

Studies using individual nutrients to improve mood, behaviour or learning in children often produce disappointing results. This is probably because nutrients work together rather than alone.

Vitamin D and omega-3

There is some evidence that vitamin D and omega-3 supplements can help with mood or attention in some vulnerable children. This is not surprising because both children and adults in the UK often have low levels of these nutrients.

Omega-3 supplements may improve attention in ADHD and irritability in autism. There is some evidence that omega-3 can improve mood and reduce anxiety in people with those difficulties, but this evidence is mostly from studies with adults.

Vitamin D may help reduce irritability and hyperactivity in autistic children. It may also improve inattention in children with ADHD, especially if they are deficient.

The best ways to get enough of vitamin D is to expose the skin to sunlight in the summer months (without burning). Most children would benefit from a vitamin D supplement.

Dietary sources of important nutrients for the brain

Oily fish is a good source of omega-3. Current dietary advice on fish is to include two portions each week, including at least one portion of oily fish (such as sardines, herring, mackerel or salmon). Seafood is rich in other nutrients too. For children who do not eat fish, omega-3 can be found in walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, leafy green vegetables and rapeseed oil.

Red meat is a good source of iron and zinc, however too much red meat is not recommended. Instead sources of iron and zinc can also be found in pulses, nuts, beans, green vegetables, bread and breakfast cereals.

Green vegetables are a good source of magnesium.

Fish, milk, yoghurt and eggs are a good source of iodine.

“Multi-nutrient” supplements

In theory, any child who is struggling to eat a varied diet, could benefit from a multi-nutrient supplement giving a wide range of vitamins and minerals. There is some evidence that children with ADHD, in particular, might benefit from this kind of supplement.

The importance of dietary fibre for mood and learning

It is well known that fibre is important for gut health. It also seems to help regulate blood sugar, which may help with mood and attention.

The positive effects on mood and attention of eating a meal, may last for a shorter time if there is less fibre. This may be why children have been shown to perform better in tests of attention and memory, two hours after a high fibre breakfast cereal, when compared to a high sugar, low fibre one.

Dietary fibre and some fermented foods (like live yoghurt) may also promote a healthy “microbiome” (the name given to the billions of micro-organisms living in our gut). This may, in turn, also contribute to good mood and general wellbeing, in ways that are not yet fully understood.

Dietary sources of fibre

Most plant-based foods contain dietary fibre. Examples include, fruits, vegetables, wholegrain cereals, beans, nuts and pulses. However, sometimes the fibre is removed or reduced during food processing (for example in white bread, fruit juice and some breakfast cereals).

What does an adequate and varied diet look like?

For most children over two years of age (and adults), if they are including a variety of foods from each of the food groupsof the Eatwell Guide on a daily basis, they are likely to be getting most of what they need.

Diet, behaviour and learning in children (1)

Food intolerance

Some children have food intolerance(s) which can mean that their mood or behaviour are affected by specific foods or ingredients. These can produce physical symptoms too.

If you believe your child may have a food intolerance, you should discuss your concerns with your GP or dietitian. They may recommend an “exclusion diet” – where the food is completely removed from your child’s diet and later re-introduced it to see if there is a consistent impact on mood or behaviour.

Top tips

  • Eating a wide variety of nutritious foods helps mood, attention and learning.
  • Eating regular meals also helps promote good mood and attention.
  • Including foods that are rich in dietary fibre may also help.
  • Nutritional supplements may help some children. This is especially true when the diet is low in any particular nutrients.

A dietitian is uniquely qualified to provide an accurate assessment of the diet and any risk of deficiency. They can also provide practical advice on the best way to improve nutrition through changes to the diet, nutritional supplements or both.


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Diet, behaviour and learning in children (2024)


How does a child's diet affect their learning? ›

Poor dietary patterns in the first five years of life can impair a child's learning ability and school readiness. Luckily, the opposite is also true – that diets rich in whole fruits, grains and vegetables are associated with better cognitive function and school readiness in early childhood.

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Vitamins and minerals are essential not only for growth and health but for behaviour and emotional stability. Zinc is essential for good brain functioning: a deficiency can result in learning difficulties and behavioural problems, including mood swings and tantrums.

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The developing human brain requires all essential nutrients to form and to maintain its structure. Infant and child cognitive development is dependent on adequate nutrition. Children who do not receive sufficient nutrition are at high risk of exhibiting impaired cognitive skills.

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To achieve this, opt for complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to provide a steady release of energy. Moreover, avoiding sugary snacks and refined carbohydrates can help prevent energy spikes and crashes, which can contribute to irritability and mood swings.

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Key Takeaways. Inadequate brain growth explains why children who were malnourished as fetuses and infants suffer lasting behavioral and cognitive deficits, including slower language and fine motor development, lower IQ, and poorer school performance.

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Healthy eating in childhood reduces your child's chance of developing health problems as they get older. A healthy, balanced diet includes foods from all 5 food groups: fruit, vegetables, grains, proteins and dairy. Foods high in sugar, saturated fat and salt aren't necessary for a healthy diet and should be limited.

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Complex carbohydrates break down slowly in your child's gut and release energy slowly. These include whole grain bread, wholegrain rice, wholegrain pasta or potatoes with skin on. Most of your child's carbohydrates should be from this group. They are high in fibre and can help a child's bowel habit.

Can poor diet cause behavior problems? ›

While numerous elements play a role, one crucial factor is nutrition. The food kids eat fuels their physical growth and substantially impacts their mood, learning abilities, and overall behavior. Poor nutrition can lead to behavioral issues in children, such as ADHD, irritability, and aggression.

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Several nutritional deficiencies, such as vitamin B12, B9 (folate), and zinc, can cause symptoms of depression and dementia such as low mood, fatigue, cognitive decline, and irritability.

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Studies have reported poor motor skills, adaptive behavior, language, and social skill development among malnourished children. Malnutrition is also linked to deficits in memory, visuomotor coordination, and social skills.

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Food plays a vital role in preparing children and students to learn and making sure they are healthy enough to attend school each day. Nutrition impacts brain development, memory and cognitive function, energy, attention and focus, which are all critical to the ability to absorb and retain information.

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Children who eat more nutritional diets, with more fruits and vegetables, have better mental health and wellbeing, which can directly impact anxiety levels, sleep patterns and more. The food we eat affects how we feel in our bodies and minds.

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Poor food choices

Treats, processed foods and sugary drinks are often filled with sugar or artificial sweeteners, fat or salt and add no nutrition or benefit to a child's diet. Too many serves of these foods and drinks are linked to poor health, weight gain and tooth decay.

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Overcontrol, restriction, pressure to eat, and a promise of rewards have negative effects on children's food acceptance. Parents' food preferences and eating behaviors provide an opportunity to model good eating habits.

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Children with poor eating habits don't get the amounts of nutrients they need for healthy growth and development. This can lead to being underweight or overweight. Children who are poorly nourished tend to have weaker immune systems, which increases their chances of illness.

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Eating well improves cognitive skills

Likewise, vitamin and mineral deficiencies can decrease the discharge of dopamine, a neurotransmitter vital for the learning process. Lack of vitamins B and E, as well as iron, thiamine, iodine and zinc, can inhibit the teenagers' cognitive abilities and mental concentration.

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Students as young as kindergarten age who have food insecurity have poor reading performance and impaired social skills, and this can persist into the later grades.

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Eating regular meals helps to regulate blood sugar. This may influence some of the hormones that control our mood and ability to concentrate. For this reason, poor mood and behaviour are often observed in children who have been without food for too long (for example, children who haven't eaten breakfast).

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Good nutrition plays an especially important role during early childhood, when the brain is rapidly developing. Children who eat a healthy diet are more likely to have better academic performance than those with poor diets. This is because certain vitamins and minerals play an important role in brain development.

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