Chocolate Coconut Oatmeal No Bake Cookies Recipe (2024)

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posted by Amy Johnsonon December 15, 2014 (updated Feb 6, 2019) 69 comments »

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These easyChocolate Coconut Oatmeal No Bake Cookies remind me of a Mounds bar in cookies form with some healthy oatmeal added in for good measure and a bit more texture too!

This time of year brings all kinds of goodness like theseChocolate Coconut Oatmeal No Bake Cookies. They takeme back toyears gone by. I remember my mother making them in a flash (this is actually her recipe), and grabbing one for each hand before heading out to play with my cousins. They are so very quick to make. And they disappear even quicker! And if you’re fond of Mounds candy bars, I think you’ll like these very, very much.

A little bit of stove top time is required for melting, then everything gets mixed together then dropped in tasty little mounds to firm up. These no-flour sweet and nutty treats are great for sharing as edible gifts. Once they firm up, these little goodies package well and would make any chocolate coconut loving recipients happy.

On a recent Princes Cruises, there were little treats like thisoffered daily in one of my favorite spots on the ship: The International Cafe. Tarts, brownies, cookies and other decadent sweets were there tempting me each day when I went for a pick me up with a hot tea of mocha. Even though these no bake cookies aren’t as fancy, they remind me of those goodies. I think they would fit right innicely to the selection. They are just as decadent, and aregreat with a cup of coffee.

I’m not a gluten-free expert, but I do think these no bake cookies qualify as such. I’m pretty sure oatmeal is acceptable, but confirm that this gluten-free anddo some double checking. And if anyone out there IS an expert, please let me know in the comments below and I will make note of it right here.

Happy treat making!

If you’re looking for more goodies to make check out these:

  • Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Cookies Recipe
  • Pistachio Chocolate Bark Recipe
  • Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles Recipe

Chocolate Coconut Oatmeal No Bake Cookies Recipe

Chocolate Coconut Oatmeal No Bake Cookies Recipe (3)

Chocolate Coconut Oatmeal No Bake Cookies Recipe

Yield: 24

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 20 minutes

These chocolatey and nutty no bake goodies are so quick and easy. They're a great treat to share during the holidays.


  • 2 cups old fashioned oats
  • 1 cup shredded sweetened coconut
  • 1 stick butter, salted
  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla


  1. Line baking sheets with wax paper.
  2. In a large bowl combine oats and coconut. Set aside.
  3. In a medium saucepan bring butter, sugar, cocoa, milk, and salt to a boil. Continue to boil for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat. Stir in vanilla extract.
  4. Pour mixture over oats and coconut and stir to combine well.
  5. Using a spoon drop by 1 1/2-2 tablespoons mounds of desired size on lined baking sheets. Cool and eat.

Did you make this recipe?

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(Disclaimer: Princess Cruises hosted me and a guest on a cruise. They covered all costs associated with the trip.)

Originally published December 15, 2014. Updated May 29, 2018.

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originally published on December 15, 2014 (last updated Feb 6, 2019)

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Chocolate Coconut Oatmeal No Bake Cookies Recipe (7)


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69 comments on “Chocolate Coconut Oatmeal No Bake Cookies Recipe”

  1. Becca WhiteReply

    I followed the recipe very well but they did not set they are gooey

  2. Dorothy CorpReply

    I made these today & following your recipe to a T, they were perfect! Thank you for a wonderful drop cookie, these are a lot like my moms recipe 🥰

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Chocolate Coconut Oatmeal No Bake Cookies Recipe (2024)


Why didn t my no bake oatmeal cookies get hard? ›

Why Didn't My No-Bake Cookies Set? Likely, you didn't boil the mixture long enough. You want the butter, milk, sugar, and cocoa mixture to boil for 2-3 full minutes and reach between 190°F-200°F. If you don't boil them for long enough, they will turn out gooey and will not set.

Why do my no bake cookies fall apart? ›

Boiling too long will cause the cookies to be dry and crumbly. However, if you don't boil long enough the cookies will not set and will be runny. Some folks say bring the mixture to a rolling boil and then count to 60, while others swear by counting to 90.

What is in cowboy cookies? ›

Saddle up, partner–we're making Cowboy Cookies! Full of flavor and texture, this recipe combines coconut, pecans, oats, and chocolate to make one unique cookie, no horse or lasso required.

Why are my oatmeal cookies crispy? ›

The reason the cookies end up being thin and crispy instead of soft and chewy are due to a couple of reasons: higher butter to flour (and eggs) ratio. more granulated sugar, less brown sugar. old-fashioned rolled oats, not quick oats.

How to fix no bakes that didn't set up? ›

Most no-bake cookies have some sticky ingredient to hold it together. If you used something sticky like butter, peanut butter, melted marshmallows or melted chocolate I would pop them in the fridge, so they firm up. If that doesn't help, I would completely dip them in melted chocolate and let them harden in the fridge.

How do you make cookies that don't get hard? ›

Baking at 375 degrees F as opposed to a lower temperature will help cookies stay soft: they'll bake faster which means they aren't in the hot, drying air of the oven too long. Pull the cookie sheet out of the oven when the cookies are just set: underbaking is better than overbaking.

What if cookies are not baked enough? ›

If your cookies have cooled all the way down and they're still more on the raw side, they'll have to go back in the oven. As per Food52's instructions, preheat your oven to about 300 or 325 degrees Fahrenheit, then add the cookies in for 10 to 15 minutes at most, depending on how underbaked they were to begin with.

What causes cookies to be too dry and crumbly? ›

To avoid this, try using as little flour as possible while preparing to roll your dough. Dry – “Dry” or “Crumbly” dough is a product of over-mixing or using too much of any ingredient during the mixing process. This can be reversed by adding one to two tablespoons of liquid (water, milk or softened butter) to your mix.

What is a Dillon cookie? ›

Dillon Cookies

This flagship cookie combines freshly milled whole wheat with oats, loads of chocolate chips and just the right amount of walnuts for a buttery finish. They are the perfect treat for kids and adults alike!

What is Alabama State cookie? ›

A yellowhammer cookie is a type of stuffed drop cookie containing peanuts, pecans, oats, honey and peanut butter. Invented for a school baking competition, it became the official state cookie of Alabama later that year. The recipe includes locally relevant ingredients and is named after Alabama's state bird.

Why are my homemade oatmeal cookies hard? ›

There are a few reasons why your oatmeal cookies may be too hard. Perhaps you left them in the oven a couple of minutes too long. To rectify this, simply bake the next batch for less time. Another reason could be the density of the dough.

What is the secret to chewy cookies? ›

Cornstarch helps product soft and thick cookies. Using more brown sugar than white sugar results in a moister, softer cookie. An extra egg yolk increases chewiness. Rolling the cookie dough balls to be tall and lumpy instead of wide and smooth gives the cookies a bakery-style textured thickness.

Why are my oat cookies soft? ›

Check package to make sure what you used contained at least 70% fat. A spread with less fat, diet "margarines" or spreads in tubs contain have too much water. The water creates steam, causing the cookies to puff.

Why won't my cookies get hard? ›

It's all about moisture. To keep it simple, cookie recipes that contain a lot of butter, brown sugar or egg yolks are going to yield soft and chewy cookies, because those ingredients add moisture and retain it for a longer amount of time.

What causes oatmeal cookies to be hard? ›

If your oatmeal cookies turn out too hard or dry, here are a few possible reasons: Overbaking: Overbaking is a common culprit for dry cookies. Make sure you follow the recommended baking time and temperature in your recipe. Typically, oatmeal cookies should bake at 350°F (175°C) for about 10-12 minutes.

How do you fix dry oatmeal cookies? ›

My first thought is that if they are too dry, you are cooking them too long. Try cutting back 3 or 4 minutes on your cooking time OR lowering the oven temperature. If that doesn't work, you might try adding 1/2 cup of unsweetened applesauce (like one of those little cups you buy for snacks at the grocer's).

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