5 easy ideas for decorating heart cookies for Valentine's Day with the kids (2024)

Valentine’s Day is getting closer, and I’ve been searching for some fun, easy ideas for decorating heart-shaped cookies with my kids. Emphasis on easy. Because as much as my kids and I love a wow-inducing, Instagram-worthy Valentine’s Day cookie, we live in the real world. You know, the one where little hands and attention spans make ‘grammable cookie art a bit…difficult.

But we do love Valentine’s Day cookies and can’t help but want to join in on all the decorating fun. So check out these fivecreative yet simple ideas for kids to decorate heart cookies for Valentine’s Day.

And really, who cares if they don’t look professional: Go ahead, take pics, and post your cookie art proudly. You can even tag @coolmomeats if you do so we can reshare some favorites — I’d personally love to see each and every one.

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Related: 8 easy last-minute Valentine’s Day treats for lunch boxes. We’ve got you fellow procrastinators!

5 easy ideas for decorating heart cookies for Valentine’s Day

5 easy ideas for decorating heart cookies for Valentine's Day with the kids (1)

1. Dip in chocolate and add sprinkles

Sara’s tutorial forHeart Cookies on her site, Dinner At The Zoo, are simple yet so eye-catching and lovely. Her method also happens to be one of my favorite ideas for decorating heart cookies. In fact, the dipping and sprinkling is fun for kids of all ages and I use it year round, not just on Valentine’s Day.

I like to work over a baking sheet lined with parchment paper to help with catching chocolate drips and sprinkles, as well as giving you a place to let the cookies dry. Another good tip is to use a mug or bowl deep enough for dipping half of the heart. Things get pretty messy when you try putting the melted chocolate in a shallow bowl or plate. (Been there.)

5 easy ideas for decorating heart cookies for Valentine's Day with the kids (2)

Drizzle cookies photography © Chelsea Cavanaugh

2. Drizzle with an icing bottle

Since my kids can work a bottle of glitter glue like a pro, I imagine they could use an icing bottle to draw various squiggles, shapes and designs on their Valentine cookies. And no one does it better than – surprise, surprise! – Martha Stewart. Check out her inspired ways to decorate cookies for Valentine’s Day including drizzling heart cookies with an icing bottle, and then let the kids go icing wild. You can find icing bottles in different sizes(and in vastly different price ranges) on Amazon, as well as places like Michael’s and Bed, Bath & Beyond.

5 easy ideas for decorating heart cookies for Valentine's Day with the kids (3)
3. Color heart cookies with edible markers

Inspired by the Heart to Heart cookies at Ever Mine, I chose this heart cookie decorating idea with older kids in mind. I’ve never actually used edible food markers personally, but I my teen neighbor has a set that I’m rather envious of — and other members of our team swear by them.

Kids can use their artistic skills to draw pictures, designs, and funny messages to friends — or maybe even a sweet message to Dad or Mom or Grandma or their favorite aunt or teacher or sitter. Store-bought cookies work just as easily as homemade here, just sayin’.

Related: 9 extremely cool Valentine cookies for teens, no cutesy stuff.

5 easy ideas for decorating heart cookies for Valentine's Day with the kids (4)

4. Use a paintbrush…and a smart little trick

Make the loveliest little Valentine Heart Cookies with Sara’s brilliant idea and recipe on her site, The Dessert Chronicles. No icing needed – just a paintbrush (a clean one!), a little corn syrup, and some sprinkles to make this an afternoon of cookie decorating fun. By the way, check her tip for using tiny heart-shaped cookie cutters, which is just what my precise daughter needs to keep all those finicky little sprinkles in perfect formation.

5 easy ideas for decorating heart cookies for Valentine's Day with the kids (5)

5. Crush up some candy

Ignore the toothache for a minute and admire these fantasticCrushed Conversation Heart cookies at The Decorated Cookie. Meaghan’s step-by-step instructions are clear and easy to follow, and the cookies are totally adaptable depending on the skill level of your kids. While the original Necco “Sweethearts” conversation hearts are not available this year, you should be able to find comparableconversation candy hearts from Brach’s pretty easily.

You can also skip the sticks if you’re gong for this heart cookie decorating idea, and make your cookies hand-held. And feel free to use whatever frosting or icing you wish — or simply top with any crushed candy you want. You can even swap out the cookies for heart-shaped brownies. Whatever your heart desires — it’s Valentine’s Day, and that’s the rule!

Tags: baking, chocolate, cookies, cooking with kids, dessert, party ideas, tips and tricks, valentine's day

Tags: baking, chocolate, cookies, cooking with kids, dessert, party ideas, tips and tricks, valentine's day

5 easy ideas for decorating heart cookies for Valentine's Day with the kids (2024)


5 easy ideas for decorating heart cookies for Valentine's Day with the kids? ›

For kids aged four and under, we recommend using a "spread and sprinkle technique." Kids five to 12 can do some design work, like our marbling technique. The older kids may want a bit more of a challenge. For kids 12 and over, make some piped cookie designs.

How to decorate cookies with little kids? ›

For kids aged four and under, we recommend using a "spread and sprinkle technique." Kids five to 12 can do some design work, like our marbling technique. The older kids may want a bit more of a challenge. For kids 12 and over, make some piped cookie designs.

What do I need for a cookie decorating party for kids? ›

I like to place a roll of paper towels, at least one jar of sprinkles per kid, and a paper plate at each chair at each table. I also have at least 3 different colors of frosting on each table, usually 2-3 bags of each color.

What can you decorate cookies with? ›

Select your icing
  • Glaze. Cookie glaze is thin, satiny, and dries hard. ...
  • Frosting. This spreadable frosting is similar to buttercream, and stays soft on your cookies. ...
  • Royal icing. This icing dries hard and opaque, and can be spread or piped atop cookies.

Can you celebrate Valentine's Day with family? ›

Valentine's Day provides a great opportunity to have fun with your children and shower them with love! While Valentine's Day is often associated with romantic love, it is a holiday you can share with your whole family, and it provides an opportunity to teach your children about the importance of caring for others.

How to decorate cookies with candy melts? ›

Place treats on parchment lined cookie sheet or over parchment. Place Candy Melts in a disposable decorating bag, parchment bag, or Cookie Decorating Bottle and melt. Cut a small hole in the tip of bag. Drizzle strings of melted candy from bag.

How to easily decorate sugar cookies? ›

Start by outlining the cookie with piping-consistency icing in any color you choose. Then, use flooding-consistency icing to fill the outlined area, starting by flooding around the edges and working your way towards the center. If the flooding is inconsistent in thickness, redistribute the wet icing with a toothpick.

How many decorative cookies for a party? ›

Homemade Cookies & Icing

Recipes I use are sugar cookies, gingerbread cookies, and/or chocolate sugar cookies. 6-8 cookies for each person to decorate is usually plenty and have extras in case any break, drop, etc. Doubling any of the recipes could work, but the doughs get heavy and it's a load on your mixer.

How to make a cookie gift basket? ›

Find a small square box, fill with carefully packed cookies (we recommend a little extra padding for your mitten cookies) and wrap the whole box in brown paper. Tie with string and use those calligraphy pens you asked for last year to make the box extra special.

How do you stick decorations to cookies? ›

Attach decorations

You can use icing as glue to attach sprinkles to your cookies. After an area of icing has dried, pipe a little dot of icing with a stiff consistency and then press a sprinkle onto it. As the dot of icing dries, it will secure the sprinkle in place.

How to make Valentine's day special? ›

Here are 14 ideas to help make this Valentine's Day extra special!
  1. Make a Valentine's Day Charcuterie Board. ...
  2. Send Valentines. ...
  3. Decorate in Hearts. ...
  4. Create a Valentine's Day Scavenger Hunt. ...
  5. Have a Valentine's Day Photo Shoot. ...
  6. Surprise Your Kids with Love Notes. ...
  7. Put Up a Valentine's Day Tree. ...
  8. Break a Heart-Shaped Piñata.

Do parents give kids Valentines? ›

Yes, giving your child a Valentine's Day card or treat is a lovely thing to do. Those who include their children in Valentine's Day tend to go all out on presents and special meals and messages of caring and kindness. "We have little presents and special dinner," says Stephanie M. "My little boy calls it Love Day."

How to set up cookie decorating for toddlers? ›

Take 3 cookie sheets, place baked cookies on one, parchment and jar/bowl of sprinkles on another and candies such as M&M's on the third. Place colored frosting next to the cookie sheet with cookies. Let your toddler know it's time to decorate cookies, when you're all set up.

What do children learn from decorating cookies? ›

Fine motor and coordination skills

Your child will strengthen their fine motor skills as they use their fingers and hands to pour ingredients into the measuring jug, make balls or shapes with the batter, roll dough with a rolling pin, and decorate the baked cookies with icing and sprinkles.

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