12-Hour Fast vs. 16-Hour Fast: Which Is Better? - Zero Longevity (2024)

Written and medically reviewed by Rich LaFountain, PhD

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a powerful tool for metabolic health. There are many options in the world of IF, but which option is best for you? If you’re trying to choose between a 12:12 or a 16:8 fast, this article is for you.

12-Hour Fast vs. 16-Hour Fast: Which Is Better? - Zero Longevity (1)

What Is 12:12 and 16:8 Intermittent Fasting?

Fasting involves abstaining from all calories in food or drink for a given period of time. The New England Journal of Medicine published a review of intermittent-fasting effects on health, aging, and disease, which summarizes the research into the benefits of different fasting lengths. Let’s get into the major differences between fasting for 12 hours and 16 hours.

What Happens in Your Body When You Fast for 12 Hours vs. 16 Hours

From an energy standpoint, when you fast for at least 12 hours, your blood-sugar levels decrease to baseline levels. This change turns on fat-burning machinery in your cells so that you can meet your energy needs. In most cases, fasting for at least 12 hours turns on some specific, fasted-state biological functions in your body. Fasting for 16 hours extends these benefits. There are very few metabolic or biological processes that work like on/off switches; generally, they are more like dimmer switches. Most of the key differences between 12-hour and 16-hour fasts are the result of allowing more time for fasting processes throughout the body to truly get going.

Key Differences Between a 12-Hour Fast and a 16-Hour Fast

While the 12 and 16-hour fast have many important similarities, the research suggests that there are differences between the two to consider, especially when first starting out.

Fasting Duration

The first, and most obvious, difference between the 12-hour and the 16-hour fast is the duration. The 16-hour fast is 4 hours longer and can be slightly more difficult to complete than a 12-hour fast. Many people naturally follow a 12-hour fast since they are asleep for 8 of those hours, which makes this approach seem less restrictive. Fasts greater than 12 hours in length are not advised for people under the age of 18, pregnant, breastfeeding, or anyone with a history of an eating disorder.


Autophagy is probably one of the best examples of a biological dimmer switch. Autophagy is a process in which your cells break down and recycle used or worn out materials. The process kicks off when energy levels are low so the body actually benefits from cellular cleanup, in addition to being able to conserve and/or create energy through autophagy. Signals for autophagy can be measured in under 24 hours in humans, but predictive modeling suggests that the fasting autophagy dimmer switch is not at peak “brightness” until 36–72 hours into your fast. Most of our understanding of fasting autophagy has been translated from animal studies.

However, there are a couple notable human studies that demonstrate fasting between 17 and 19 hours turns on genes that we know initiate autophagy. One study suggests that fasting for 18 hours activates autophagy, while another recent trial demonstrated that fasting anywhere between 17 and 19 hours throughout the month of Ramadan turned on autophagy signals. Based on these studies we can infer that fasting for 16 hours will bring you closer to realizing autophagy benefits than fasting for 12 hours.

Weight Loss

Both 12-hour fasting and 16-hour fasting can be effective for weight loss, but 16-hour fasting may be more effective because it may lead to a greater reduction in overall caloric intake (through a more condensed eating window) and promote more significant reliance on fat burning. A crossover study in healthy individuals demonstrated that a 16:8 fast was superior to a 12:12 fast in promoting fat loss.

Although data suggest longer fasts are associated with greater weight loss, it is important to keep in mind that if eating windows are too restrictive, you may undernourish in ways that slow your metabolism down. Even if you opt to do 16 hour fasts for weight-loss benefits, consider varying your fast duration periodically and making sure that you exercise and eat enough food to keep your basal metabolic rate from becoming depressed.

Fat Burning

Fasting for either 12 hours or 16 hours can promote fat burning. During a fast, the body depletes its stored glycogen and begins to rely on stored fat for energy. While both 12-hour and 16-hour fasting can promote fat burning, it’s possible that a 16-hour fast may be more effective. This is because the longer fasting period may lead to a greater depletion of glycogen stores, which can trigger higher levels of fat burning. If you want to burn more fat, the research shows that it’s important that you give your body more time to shift your metabolism towards prioritizing fat as a primary fuel source with fasts that are greater than 12 hours. Moderate exercise during your fast is another great way to burn more stored fat.

Hormonal Impact

Fasting can have a significant impact on hormone levels, but the specific effects may vary depending on the duration of the fast and individual factors such as age, sex, and health status. During a fast, the body goes through a series of hormonal changes as it adjusts to restricted food intake. For example, levels of insulin decrease during your fast, which can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Additionally, fasting can increase levels of growth hormone, which is involved in muscle growth, tissue repair, and fat burning. The hormonal impact of fasting is linked with fast duration. Research shows that fasting for 12 hours yields less metabolic health and hormone benefits than fasting for more than 12 hours, so if your goal is to impact hormone levels, then you’ll probably want to consider fasting for 16 hours or more.

If you menstruate or are menopausal, it’s important to consider your hormones across your cycle as sex hormones are linked with metabolic function. Varying your fasts based upon natural fluctuations in estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone is important. For most women, this means that you can fast for longer durations in the first half of the month and reduce fast duration or avoid fasting in the last week of your cycle.

So, Is It Better to Fast for 12 Hours or 16 Hours?

When deciding on the best fast for you, it’s important to consider your individual goals and lifestyle. If weight loss is a primary goal, a 16-hour fast may be more effective. However, if you’re looking for a more sustainable fasting routine, a 12-hour fast may be a better fit. Ultimately, the best fast duration for you is the one that meets your needs and is something you can achieve. If you want to start with a 12 hour fast because you’re new to fasting, that’s still a great option. You can always work your way up to longer fasts, and you can vary your fasts based upon the dynamics of your life.

Can You Do 12 or 16-Hour Intermittent Fasting Every Day?

Many people have a daily fasting practice. They may not always follow the exact same fasting protocol, or they may vary the duration based upon their schedule, hunger, and exercise needs. Many people follow some variation of a 5:2 protocol in which they might fast for 16 hours during the week but relax their fasting practice to 12 hours on weekends or vice versa. The average person that does not fast consumes calories across nearly 15 hours of their 24-hour day. With that many hours of eating, it can be easy to over consume. While you don’t need to fast every day, fasting at least 12 hours occasionally will help you maintain a healthy body weight and metabolic health in the long term.

Should You Switch Between Intermittent Fasting for 12 Hours and 16 Hours?

One potential benefit of alternating between 12-hour and 16-hour fasts is that it can provide variety and flexibility in a fasting regimen. This can make it easier to sustain a fasting routine over time, which may lead to greater adherence and better overall health outcomes. Additionally, alternating between 12-hour and 16-hour fasts may provide some of the benefits of both fasting periods. For example, a 12-hour fast is considered easier and provides you with more schedule flexibility, while a 16-hour fast promotes greater fat-burning and metabolic benefits.


Whether you opt for a 12-hour fast or a 16-hour fast is less important than the overarching principle of developing a fasting practice that supports your long-term healthy lifestyle. Humans are not well-adapted to a diet of eating throughout their 24-hour day. Regular fasts lasting 12 hours or more can be an important part of your personal strategy to maintain health and maximize your longevity potential.

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Rich LaFountain, PhD

Rich LaFountain is a science writer with a passion for exploring metabolic health and athletic performance. He completed his Bachelor of Science in Biology at the College at Brockport and received his master’s and doctorate degrees in Kinesiology from the Ohio State University. Rich is fascinated by human longevity research and the science behind building diverse habits for lifelong health and wellness.

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12-Hour Fast vs. 16-Hour Fast: Which Is Better? - Zero Longevity (2024)


12-Hour Fast vs. 16-Hour Fast: Which Is Better? - Zero Longevity? ›

Research shows that fasting for 12 hours yields less metabolic health and hormone benefits than fasting for more than 12 hours, so if your goal is to impact hormone levels, then you'll probably want to consider fasting for 16 hours or more.

Is 12 hour fasting better than 16-hour fasting? ›

People often kickstart their intermittent fasting journey with 12:12 due to its shorter fasts. 16:8 can be more challenging due to its longer fasting period, but it can lead to greater weight loss. Intermittent fasting isn't for everyone, so it's important to talk with your doctor to ensure it's safe for you.

What is the best fasting duration for longevity? ›

Generally, if you're a healthy adult who is not pregnant, breastfeeding, or underweight, fasting for 12 hours every day is a good baseline to establish. Many longevity benefits are accrued over time, so the fasting practice that you can keep consistent is the one that will yield the most long-term benefit.

Is 16 hours fasting enough for autophagy? ›

Autophagy can occur during a 16-hour fast. This period allows your body to initiate and ramp up the autophagy process, essential for cellular cleaning and renewal. Though the extent of autophagy activation can vary from person to person, a 16-hour fast is a practical approach to harness its benefits.

What is the healthiest length of time to fast? ›

To keep yourself safe, especially if you are new to fasting, consider limiting your fast periods to 24 hours or fewer and keeping a snack on hand in case you start to feel faint or ill. If you do become ill or are concerned about your health, make sure you stop fasting straight away.

What is the best intermittent fasting window to lose belly fat? ›

A 2023 review of research found that the 16/8 method and 16/8 combined with restricting calories were effective strategies for weight control in adults with overweight or obesity. An eating window starting before noon led to greater weight loss than one that began after noon.

Is it beneficial to fast longer than 16 hours? ›

Longer periods without food, such as 24-, 36-, 48- and 72-hour fasting periods, are not necessarily better for you, and may be dangerous. Going too long without eating might actually encourage your body to start storing more fat in response to starvation.

What is the best fasting method for anti-aging? ›

Researchers say this diet also reduced signs of immune system aging and biological age. The fasting-mimicking diet (FMD) involves five-day cycles of a diet low in overall calories, protein and carbohydrates; and high in unsaturated fats, such as the kind found in olive oil, nuts and seeds.

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Fasting 5 days a month

This clinical study, involving 100 participants, indicated that a plant-based fasting-mimicking diet done for 5 days a month could reduce the biological age of people after only three monthly cycles and without changing their lifestyle.

How fasting increases longevity? ›

Animal research shows that caloric restriction over a lifetime, such as with intermittent fasting, increases lifespan. [15] The body responds to fasting with improved regulation of blood glucose, greater stress resistance, and decreased inflammation and production of damaging free radicals.

Why is 16 hours the magic number for fasting? ›

While both 12-hour and 16-hour fasting can promote fat burning, it's possible that a 16-hour fast may be more effective. This is because the longer fasting period may lead to a greater depletion of glycogen stores, which can trigger higher levels of fat burning.

How do I know I'm in autophagy? ›

A key sign of autophagy is reduced appetite. It's likely due to changed levels of hormones like glucagon and insulin. Specifically, levels of glucagon tend to increase during autophagy. Glucagon helps manage your blood sugar levels and has been shown to suppress appetite ( 6 , 10 , 11 ).

How many hours of fasting to trigger autophagy? ›

Animal studies have shown evidence of autophagy after 24 hours of fasting, which starts peaking at around 48 hours of fasting. Some studies have detected autophagy in human cultured neutrophils (the most abundant type of immune cell in the blood) after 24 hours.

Is it better to fast 12 or 16 hours? ›

A good rule of thumb for those wanting to fast to improve their metabolic and overall health is to leave at least 12 hours between meals – ideally more – on a regular basis, according to Dr Adam Collins, Principal Teaching Fellow in Nutrition at the University of Surrey.

What's the longest you can fast safely? ›

However, individuals should discuss fasting with their healthcare professional to determine the longest period of time that is safe and healthy for them to do so. However, most fasting regimes suggest people fast for no more than 24 hours at a time.

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How to fast properly
  • Ease into it. Abruptly beginning a fast is a shock to your body. ...
  • Cut back on sugar ahead of time. Keep your sugar intake low before you head into a fast. ...
  • Plan ahead for medications. ...
  • Drink plenty of water. ...
  • Cut down on physical activity. ...
  • Ease out of it.
Mar 5, 2024

Is it better to fast 12 or 18 hours? ›

For example, studies have found that people who regularly fast more than 16 or 18 hours a day have a higher risk of gallstones. They're also more likely to need surgery to remove the gallbladder. Eating for 12 hours and then fasting for 12 hours is likely safe for most people, Longo explains.

Will I lose weight if I only eat between 12 and 8? ›

Restricting your eating window to a few hours per day can cut your calorie intake over the course of the day, which in turn may contribute to weight loss. In fact, research reveals that fasting may boost weight loss.

How much weight can you lose with 12 hour fasting? ›

How much weight you can lose from fasting for 12 hours will vary from person to person and depend on factors like food choices, activity levels, etc. That said, studies have shown that intermittent fasting can help individuals lose up to eight pounds in just 4 weeks!

Which intermittent fasting is best for weight loss? ›

The 16/8 method features a daily 16-hour fast and an 8-hour eating window wherein you can fit in 2, 3, or more meals. This method has been linked to weight loss, although there is not enough evidence to show is is better than any other method for losing weight.

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