10 Ways to Add More Variety to Your Routine - The Blissful Mind (2024)

  • Self-Care
  • By Catherine Beard

10 Ways to Add More Variety to Your Routine - The Blissful Mind (1)

I’m sure you can relate to feeling a little stale and bored with the current state of life, especially spending so much time from home over the past year. Somehow it’s made time feel like it’s passing by slowly yet incredibly quickly.

I’ve felt as if everything is happening within a box, from the walls of my apartment to the digital screens that my eyeballs have been glued to. Though I’ve always been a bit of a homebody, I realize now how much I took the opportunity to do things outside for granted.

10 Ways to Add More Variety to Your Routine - The Blissful Mind (2)

It’s easy to lose a sense of joy and excitement when life gets repetitive. As much as I love routines, I know I need to switch things up to prevent boredom and lack of motivation. After all, variety in life is important for avoiding burnout.

In this post, I’m sharing 10 tips to help you get out of a funk and add variety to your routine. Keep reading if you’re looking to switch things up!

How to add variety to your routine

Sometimes you have to accept that life is moving more slowly than anticipated, but that doesn’t mean you can’t add some variety at the same time. Life is about tiny little daily joys. Whenever life starts to feel a little stale, here are some tips to help switch things up:

1. Create something without an agenda

Do something for the sake of fun and creativity, rather than for the sake of productivity (e.g. paint, knit, doodle, start a bullet journal).

2. Create something WITH an agenda

Start that business, podcast, or blog that you’ve been thinking about forever. Create something with the intention of selling it. Think of one thing you keep “meaning to try” but haven’t because you’re afraid for whatever reason. Then challenge yourself to do it every day.

3. Listen to, watch, and read new types of content

If you tend to stick to the same genres of media, branch out and try some new things. Read books you wouldn’t usually read, listen to different types of music, and watch shows that explore unfamiliar topics.

4. Try new recipes or a new way of eating

Make cooking something to look forward to by finding new recipes that you haven’t tried making before. You could also try new ways of eating, like going vegan or vegetarian for a month.

5. Create different routines for different days

If you usually do the same morning routine every day, try switching it up every other day. For example, I usually work out at home M-F, but I’ve started going for a long walk instead a few times a week. You could create one morning routine for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and another for Tuesdays and Thursdays.

6. Re-imagine your space

If your living space doesn’t inspire you, add new sense experiences like candles, lights, flowers, or plants. Keep things fresh by moving around furniture, switching out cushion covers, or re-arranging your bookshelves.

7. Learn something new

There’s always more to learn about the world and ourselves. Try learning a new language, how to code, how to take good photos, how to take care of plants, or how to make your own clothes. The great thing is that there are so many free resources to learn this online (YouTube, Skillshare, blogs, etc).

8. Take a challenge

Over the years, I’ve tried different challenges to switch up my routine and test my ability to stick to something. It’s fun to document the process as well, whether that’s writing about it, filming a video, or sharing your progress with others.

Here are some ideas:

  • 30 days of yoga
  • 30 days of writing morning pages
  • 7 days of mindfulness
  • 30 days without social media

9. Connect with others

Connection and community are important to your well-being. There’s so much to learn from other people, plus connecting with other people (even online) can make our lives more interesting. During lockdown, I’ve been having bi-weekly FaceTime calls with a friend which has made our friendship stronger and given me something to look forward to.

10. Work on your personal growth

It’s important to improve ourselves (in a compassionate way, of course) to avoid getting stuck in the same habits and patterns we’ve always had. A great way to find out what you might need to work on is through the Wellness Wheel (or Wheel of Life) exercise. Grab the worksheet here to see which areas of your life you can improve on.

What’s one thing you’re going to try? Leave a comment!

I hope this post has given you some ideas to add variety to your routine. Whether you’re stuck at home or not, come back to this post whenever you want to switch things up!

About the Author

10 Ways to Add More Variety to Your Routine - The Blissful Mind (3)

Hi, I'm Catherine! As the creator of The Blissful Mind, I love exploring ways to make life more fulfilling, especially when it comes to our daily routines, habits, and well-being.

22 Responses

  1. I like the idea of switching up your routine on different days. I’ve been experimenting with writing my routine hour by hour to reduce any need for decision making. I’ll have to try switching things every other day! Also I absolutely love doing challenges. When I think about doing yoga everyday of my life I know I won’t be able to keep that up. But I can try to for 30 days!


  2. Hi Catherine. This was such a useful post. I’ve been feeling really depressed lately because my routine has become so repetitive. Also, i love my parents who I live with, but being with them 24/7 can get exhausting. Your email with your post came to me at the perfect time. I will try out your tips today.


  3. YES TO ROUTINES! But I absolutely agree, it is always great, and sometimes necessary, to switch them up. My routines are more about making sure I prioritize different aspects of my growth and development, but then within those routines I strive to make improvements. Thanks for the post!


    1. Love that, Natalie!


  4. Excellent read, and appreciate your information.


    1. Thanks so much!


  5. Thank you so much for the wonderful ideas outlined in this post for switching my routine up a bit. I’m planning to try to incorporate the fitness routine variety for the next 30 days! I’m excited to have some many new ideas to think about along the way and am grateful to you for providing the Wellness Wheel Worksheet. Thanks, again.


    1. Yay I love that this helped, Vanessa!


  6. Love this post so much! I’m always stuck in a rut, thanks for sharing :)


    1. So glad this was helpful, Pavis!


  7. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea of taking a new challenge to engage my mind and be a little creative. Morning pages is something I think could really benefit my anxious mind and get my thoughts down onto paper. I’ve somewhat dabbled into the idea of blogging here and there and think it could be something I would enjoy doing! The challenge of writing morning pages might be just the thing I need to get my creative juices flowing for new brainstorm ideas!


    1. Yess I’m so glad to hear you like the idea, Tori! It’s a really great practice.


  8. I was thinking about changing my daily routine and your blog really helpful ana excited , you made me like statring from now to change my routine ❤️❤️, thank you catherine


    1. You’re welcome, Dana!


  9. Love this post so much!

    Sometimes hard to make your daily life a bit funnier & add some excitement especially right now :p.
    So THANKS :D


    1. Definitely a challenge! Glad you liked the post, Mathilde.


  10. Thanks for sharing wonderful ideas..


  11. Routines are needed in so many ways, and switching them up from time to time is great. I love how you have incorporated learning new skills into changing up your routine.


    1. Thanks so much, Ryan!


  12. Love this post . Thanks for sharing


  13. Daily routines does need changes from time to time. Loved your article especially doing something without agenda because we never know in the name of fun we might create something beautiful.


  14. I crave variety so much! there is so much in life that i want to enjoy, and I have so many interests and hobbies, I guess i want to do it all but I know that I cannot. I guess the key in life is to be well-rounded, get a little bit of everything and anything that you feel resonates with you( and there’s a lot!) and enjoy what you like. “You do you”, as they say. I also like the notion of “spicing things up” and not doing the same thing over and over again, no “double dipping” like going to the same restaurant or the same park again and again. At least this works for me. Thanks for the awesome article I just discovered it now.


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  • Tags: routine

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10 Ways to Add More Variety to Your Routine - The Blissful Mind (2024)


10 Ways to Add More Variety to Your Routine - The Blissful Mind? ›

For instance, you can live your whole life in one relatively small town and rarely visit any other places, but if you constantly meet new people and expand your social circle, plus you frequently try all sorts of new things (hobbies, sports, etc), your life will feel vibrant and you'll be happy.

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For instance, you can live your whole life in one relatively small town and rarely visit any other places, but if you constantly meet new people and expand your social circle, plus you frequently try all sorts of new things (hobbies, sports, etc), your life will feel vibrant and you'll be happy.

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30 Ways to Brighten Your Daily Routine
  1. Wake Up Fresh. Resist the urge to touch your cell phone. ...
  2. Music Soothes the Soul. Music is magic. ...
  3. Pack Snacks. If you're like me, snacks can be key to a happy and productive day. ...
  4. Start a Ritual. ...
  5. Switch Up Your Look. ...
  6. Play Outside. ...
  7. Give More. ...
  8. Declutter.

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Even simple changes to your routine can create a happier, more fulfilling life.
  1. Prioritize sleep. Sleep is critically important for overall health and well-being. ...
  2. Eat a balanced breakfast. ...
  3. Meditate. ...
  4. Schedule regular workouts. ...
  5. Get face time with loved ones. ...
  6. Read more. ...
  7. Get organized. ...
  8. Upgrade your living space.
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How to Start a New Routine and Stick To It
  1. Decide what needs to be in your routine. Do you want to get more exercise or more alone time? ...
  2. Set small goals. Break each large goal into smaller goals. ...
  3. Layout a plan. ...
  4. Be consistent with time. ...
  5. Be prepared. ...
  6. Make it fun! ...
  7. Track your progress. ...
  8. Reward yourself.
Sep 25, 2019

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Add an extra food group to a meal
  1. Add chickpeas to curries, middle eastern dishes and lamb casseroles and stews.
  2. Add red kidney beans to Mexican and Italian tomato based dishes.
  3. Serve tuna with cannelloni beans or butter beans.
  4. Serve steak on a white bean mash.
  5. Add tofu to stir fries.
  6. Add four bean mix to minestrone.

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Ways to Add Novelty and Passion to Your Life
  1. Start by turning off your screens. ...
  2. Explore a new area. ...
  3. Try a new food. ...
  4. Allow yourself to reminisce. ...
  5. Spend time with your children or grandchildren. ...
  6. Take a long, slow walk.

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12 ways to reduce boredom in your daily life
  1. Set aside time and money. Changing up your routine may take conscious effort and possibly some money. ...
  2. Find humor in daily life. ...
  3. Discover what eats up your time. ...
  4. Find a new style. ...
  5. Be a host. ...
  6. Redecorate your space. ...
  7. Reconnect with friends. ...
  8. Start journaling.
May 1, 2024

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7 Ways to Spice Up Your Life
  1. Cook Something New. Time to put the “spice” into spicing up your life! ...
  2. Explore Your Neighborhood. How well do you really know your neighborhood? ...
  3. Take Yourself on a Date. Go out to dinner. ...
  4. Put Down Some Roots. ...
  5. Set a Goal. ...
  6. Take a Vacation. ...
  7. Make a New Friend.
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How to Maximize Your Daily Schedule: For Early Birds and Night Owls
  • 5:30 AM: Wake up.
  • 6 AM: Eat breakfast. The best time is within 30 minutes of waking up.
  • 6:30 AM: Exercise. ...
  • 7:30 AM: Send emails. ...
  • 8 AM: Commute. ...
  • 8:30 AM: Prioritize your day. ...
  • 9 AM: Work on the most difficult item on your to-do list.

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How to Give Your Life More Structure.
  1. Plan Your Weeks Ahead. I've discussed before the importance of planning your weeks before you start them. ...
  2. Batch Your Tasks. ...
  3. Schedule Moments of Solitude in Your Day. ...
  4. Ensure You Schedule Protected Time. ...
  5. Don't Forget about the Importance of Breaks.
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7 Small Routine Changes That'll Have a Huge Impact on Your Life
  1. Wake Up When You Say You're Going to Wake Up. Setting the alarm is only half the battle. ...
  2. Write Down 10 Ideas Per Day. ...
  3. Eat a Healthy Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. ...
  4. Read For 30 Minutes Every Day. ...
  5. Get Back in Your Body. ...
  6. Meditate for 15 Minutes. ...
  7. Reflect Before Bed.

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7 Tips for Keeping A Routine For Your Wellness
  1. Setting up a regular(ish) sleeping schedule and sticking to it! ...
  2. Creating a schedule that works for all the members of your household. ...
  3. Drinking water and eating regular meals. ...
  4. Exercise! ...
  5. Cycling between hobbies. ...
  6. Meditation or mindfulness practices. ...
  7. Checking in on loved ones.
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How to create a daily schedule in 6 steps
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  2. Note deadlines. ...
  3. Order items by time, priority, or deadline. ...
  4. Stay flexible. ...
  5. Choose the right template. ...
  6. Customize according to your needs. ...
  7. Prioritize your important tasks. ...
  8. Incorporate breaks.
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All healthy routines should include eating a nutrition-rich diet, exercising, and getting enough sleep, but no two routines will be exactly the same. In fact, your routine may not even be exactly the same every day. Start small. Changing up your day-to-day routine all at once probably won't end up with lasting results.

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Some tips for adding structure into your life:
  1. Create clear and attainable goals.
  2. Choose to create a routine that includes things you enjoy.
  3. Write things down, try a weekly planner.
  4. Allow flexibility.
  5. Get the sleep you need!

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Here are some easy ways to add spice to your life.
  1. Start exploring: ...
  2. Say yes to opportunities: ...
  3. Get those creative juices flowing: ...
  4. Treat yourself to something good: ...
  5. Redecorate a room: ...
  6. Be an avid learner and reader: ...
  7. Make time to travel: ...
  8. Change your appearance:

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Less thinking and more doing to achieve more
  1. Demand more from your life. ...
  2. Take care of yourself every day. ...
  3. Set big goals for yourself. ...
  4. Learn from your mistakes and don't give up. ...
  5. Slow your life down. ...
  6. Be present in life. ...
  7. Stay true to your authentic self. ...
  8. Eat well for your body.
Feb 3, 2024

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

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Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.